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~Lilith's POV~

When Friday rolled around, I walked into the school and was immediately ambushed by Scarlett, who ran up to me pretty much the second I entered the building. I blinked in surprise and heard the door shut behind me, looking at Scarlett with a confused furrow in my brow. "Hi?" I greeted in confusion, frowning.

She grinned widely at me, only making me more confused and uncertain. Scarlett was almost never in this good of a mood in the early morning. In fact, she usually was a little cranky. So what had her being so chirpy and happy today? "Everything okay with you?" I asked her, giving her a look of concern. Scarlett just laughed and nodded, that big smile still on her face. "Yes, sorry. Hi!" She exclaimed with excitement, practically bouncing in her shoes. I stared at her for a moment. "You seem a bit excited." I said, knowing that 'a bit' was a massive understatement. She looked about ready to explode into confetti. Then again, I had no reason to say anything of it because I knew I was often in that same boat. As Luke had told me before, I had the tendency to be annoyingly happy and upbeat. It was just in my personality, which I didn't think was a bad thing.

"I am." She admitted, nodding her head in agreement. I stared at her for a moment, waiting for her to tell me what had her so excited, but it never came. "You gonna share with the class or what?" I teased, grinning at her as I moved out of the doorway so that we weren't just standing in the way of people coming in.

Scarlett and I began walking down the hallway side by side, heading in the direction of my locker. "Oh, right. Duh." She snickered to herself, shaking her head. "Well, this is the last day before Thanksgiving break, right?" She said, the two of us coming to a stop in front of my locker. I nodded my head while I began to unlock my locker, still not sure what she was getting at. "Yes..." I answered slowly, opening the door. I took a glance over at her briefly and saw she was still grinning, happiness shining in the depths of her brown eyes. "So I was thinking that that is the perfect time for going out together, all of us!" She exclaimed happily.

At first, I wasn't so sure about that. "Scarlett, I don't know if I can." I admitted, sending her an apologetic look as I zipped open my bag and loaded my bag with a few books. The smile that was on her face immediately fell off at my words, now upset. "What? Why not?" She asked, frowning. I sighed deeply and zipped my bag closed after I put another new pencil into my bag. "My parents are taking the week off and I don't want to just be gone. They're taking off so that we can spend more time together since they're never home." I explained, closing my locker now that I was done. A deep sigh left her lips and she pouted a little. "Not even for one day?" She asked hopefully, giving me her best puppy eyes.

The look on her face made me groan and I slung my backpack onto my back again, shaking my head in defeat. "I'll see what I can do. Maybe they'll be able to have a day with one another, since they don't really see each other either." I suggested, adjusting the straps of my backpack.

At that, she perked up and a grin rose on her lips once more. "Really?!" She exclaimed excitedly, bouncing on the tips of her feet. My lips nudged up a little at the edges and I nodded. "Really. I'll have to talk to mom and dad after school. I can let you know once I've talked to them, okay?" I said, raising a brow at her. She nodded eagerly and gave me a big hug, practically squishing me against her. "Sounds good to me!" She chirped, pulling away when the bell rang to dismiss us to our first period classes. "See you later!" She exclaimed, skipping her way down the hall.

My smile still on my face, I shook my head and set off to my first period.


I stood from my seat once fourth period was over, making my way out of the classroom to go to lunch. My heels lightly clacked against the floor as I maneuvered in between people, the sound being completely drowned out in the noise of all the voices speaking to one another. When I got past everyone, I skittered down the hall as fast as I could without one of the teachers getting on to me for running. I was hungry. Although I'd gotten up a little earlier than normal today, I hadn't had time to grab anything to eat before I left because I'd taken so long to find something to wear.

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