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~Luke's POV~

When Lilith got me home, she gave me a smile as I got out of her car, waiting for her to follow, but she never did. Confused, I frowned at her and leaned down. "You're not going to come back in?" I asked, a little upset.

She lightly shook her head, rolling the whole die down all the way. "I'm sorry. I should get these things home. Plus, it's already starting to get a little late." She said, being that it was already nearing five PM. It had taken us quite a while to find the right gifts for everyone. "Right." I said softly, knowing that she needed to go and yet still not liking it too much. I just wanted her to stay so I could spend more time with her. It never felt like it was for long enough when she came around to see me. My heart melted when she sent me a smile. "I'm sorry. If you're free, I could come back over tomorrow and we can have a movie marathon together." She suggested. She must've been able to tell how upset I was about her leaving.

At that, I perked up. "Yeah, yeah." I said eagerly, trying to hide how excited she had just made me. "T-That'd be great." I smiled, pulling open the door to the backseats. I grabbed the bunch of bags and brought them inside, setting them on the floor before I rushed back out to tell her goodbye before she could leave.

As I exited the house and looked up, I saw her close the back door and I quickly called her name before she could get in her car to go, jogging down the steps. I practically raced over to her as she stopped and looked over at me, brows furrowed in confusion. Once she saw me racing right at her, though, her eyes widened in surprise as she pressed herself back into the side of her car in alarm. I just grinned a little and grabbed her arm, yanking her into my chest as her cheek pressed into my shirt. "Oh." She gasped out through a giggle, surprised by my actions. I slid my arms around her and buried my head into her hair a little, subtly inhaling her flowery and fruity scent.

Delighted shivers raced up my spine when I felt her arms encircle my waist, hugging me back. She lightly rubbed my back over my shirt, her touch gentle and caring as I cradled her short body against my larger one. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" She said softly, her voice a little muffled from having her face squished to my chest. "Yeah." I agreed, reluctantly releasing her from my hold. I stepped away and she gave me a bright smile as she got into her car, which I returned with a weak one. She started up the engine and pulled on her seatbelt, driving forward so she could make a u-turn to leave.

When she started out of my sight, I just stood there and watched her leave.


The next day, Lilith showed up at my house a little after twelve PM, a happy smile on her face as I swung open my front door. I smiled back at her, the action something that happened without thought anymore. "Hi." She chirped, her eyes shimmering when the sunlight hit them. "Hi." I returned, noticing that my voice sounded a little starstruck as my heart sat up in the back of my throat.

Goddamn, I really liked this girl. Fuck.

She waited for me to let her in, but I just stood there like an idiot, staring at her with a stupidly loving smile. I couldn't even deny it anymore. I was absolutely sure that I loved this girl, and yet I was too much of a pussy to admit it to her.

"You gonna let me in?" She laughed, the sound like music to my ears. My body burned with embarrassment and I prayed it didn't show in my cheeks, quickly stepping to the side. "Shit, sorry. Um, come in." I rushed out, watching her as she stalked past me and her sweet scent wafted towards me.

I wouldn't lie. As she walked passed me, I looked right down to her ass, letting the door swing shut roughly when I saw that her dress was short enough that I'd see her ass easily if she bent over in that dress.

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