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~Lilith's POV~

When I woke up the following morning, the first thing I realized was that I was most definitely not in my bed, nor was I at home. I sat up and panic coursed through my veins when I saw that Luke was laid next to me, snoring away.

I tried to think back to last night and anything that had happened, but I couldn't remember. Anything after maybe my second cup of tequila was completely lost on me. Tears of panic pricked my eyes when I noticed Luke's pants were unbuttoned and his belt laid on the floor, the zipper to his pants unzipped. I rubbed my wet eyes to stop myself from crying and shook Luke by his shoulder, trying not to let my mind run amok.

Still, nagging thoughts began to pop up in my head, wondering what the hell had happened after those two cups of tequila. Did we have sex? Why else would his pants be undone like that?

"Luke!" I whimpered, unable to stop myself from beginning to cry a little bit. He groaned lightly and shifted around before his eyes peeled open, the blue depths glimmering with fatigue and confusion. Then, he looked up at me and his eyes widened when he saw that I was crying. "Lilith?" He muttered, sitting up.

"What did we do? Please tell me we didn't have sex!" I cried, wiping my tears as I looked up at him. He paused for a moment, probably still trying to understand what was going on, but then his face paled and I assumed he was able to remember what had happened last night. Unfortunately for me, he was the only one.

His lips parted and something akin to shock sat on his face as he scrambled out of the bed, running a hand through his hair. "Shit. Oh, my god, shit." He muttered to himself, shaking his head with that same shocked look on his face. More tears kept rolling down my cheeks and I couldn't stop myself from quietly crying, burying my face in my hands. Losing my virginity while I was drunk wasn't what I wanted. I didn't even remember it!

"Did we have sex?" I asked desperately, not even caring about the fact that I likely looked a mess as I looked up at him with tears streaming down my face. His blue eyes shot over to me and he gave a simple shake of his head, anxiously tapping his foot on the floor. "No." He said curtly, which, for me, was good news. My virginity was still in tact, then. Luke, however, didn't look very happy still.

I sighed in relief and found it easier to relax now that I knew we hadn't had sex, wiping my tears. "Then what happened? I-I don't remember anything." I wondered, my brows furrowing together as I played with my fingers. He seemed to be lost in his own panicked thoughts, anxiously running another hand through his hair. "Luke? Do you remember?" I asked him, hopeful. He seemed annoyed as he looked over to me, his eyes hard. "Yes." He said, his voice still curt and cold.

With one look, he spilled his guts. "W-We...I..." He began to stammer nervously, as if he couldn't get the words out. Maybe he didn't want to. Eventually, though, he just blurted them right out at me. "I fingered you and you gave me a handjob and we made out, b-but that's it. That was all." He rushed.

At his words, my lips parted and I gaped at him, mortified. "What?" I gasped, feeling another little bit of tears prick at my eyes. "Well...What are we going to do about it?" I asked hesitantly, nervously playing with the soft fabric of my dress. Luke, who had returned his gaze to the floor, snapped his gaze up to meet with mine and scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Nothing. What is there to be done? It already happened." He said, shrugging.

My brows furrowed a little and I shook my head in confusion. "W-What? But...y-you touched me. That must mean something, right?" I wondered, confused. I didn't really know what to think. I'd never been in a position like this before, and I certainly never imagined it'd be with Luke, but why would he touch me like that if he didn't like me? Was it just a moment of weakness? Was he just so drunk that his usual boundaries had gone out the window?

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