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~Lilith's POV~

I got up a little after ten AM on Tuesday, deciding to call Luke after I'd gotten completely ready for the day. He answered the phone with a groan, then he sighed deeply. "Angel? What's up?" He muttered into the line, his voice sounding sleepy. I realized he must've been sleeping before this, and I'd just woken him up.

"Oh. Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were sleeping. I can let you go." I blurted, feeling bad. I sometimes forgot that he and I often had really different sleep schedules. I was usually the type to go to bed early and get up early, whereas he was the type to go to bed late and wake up late. Before I could hang up, he spoke. "No, no." He refused into the phone, not wanting me to hang up. "It's fine, really. I guess I needed to get up soon anyways, huh?" He chuckled, the sound of shuffling ensuing on his end of the phone. I calmed down, tapping my nails anxiously on my thigh.

"Well, I guess so." I agreed softly. "But are you sure? I can let you go back to sleep if you're still tired." I insisted, not wanting to have been the reason for ruining his sleep. I was nice, but even I didn't like when my sleep was ruined because of someone else.

Luke softly chuckled. "Honestly, angel, I'm completely sure. I'm awake now and there's no point in going to bed again." He assured me, causing me to exhale deeply. "If you say so." I said hesitantly, frowning a little. "Well, I do say so." He confirmed, letting out a soft chuckle once again. My lips pulled into a small smile and I giggled softly. "So, what'd you call for, anyways?" He hummed, curious as to why I was calling him.

"Right, yeah." I whispered, remembering what I had called him for. "I was just wondering if you were busy today because I'm a little bored. I-If you don't want to, though, then that's okay. We don't have to." I said nervously, playing with the soft fur on my bed scarf. Before I could ramble on anymore, he spoke. "Lilith, calm down. I'm not busy today. We can do whatever you want to." He agreed, chuckling in amusement at how nervous I'd gotten just to ask him something so simple.

A relieved sigh left me. "Great. That's great." I smiled, pushing my hair out of my face. "Um, d-do you want me to meet you at your house?" I asked him, curious. He paused for a second. "Sure. I'll see you then." He said, hanging up the phone before I could respond.

Even though I'd already done my makeup today, I didn't have on clothes that were proper for me to leave the house in. All I had on was a big white shirt, which used to belong to Axel many years ago, and my underwear. I didn't have it in me to get rid of it. It was the only thing that I had left of him, even if it was just a shirt. Mom and dad had gotten rid of all of his things after the first year anniversary of his death, but I'd kept this.

Because I knew I couldn't, and wouldn't, wear this out of the house, I got up off of my bed and headed to my closet, needing to change. After a moment of searching through my closet, I eventually settled on wearing a baby pink dress with darker pink flowers on it. It had sheer short sleeves and fell to a little above my mid-thigh. Wanting to keep it simple, I simply pulled on a pair of pink heels and grabbed a small pink purse to put my phone and wallet in before I left the closet, readying myself to go to Luke's.

I'd already put on deodorant after I'd gotten out of the shower, so I didn't need to do that, but I did spritz on some perfume and rebrush my hair a little, since my hair looked a little messy. When I was finished, I left my room with my car keys and headed downstairs, stalking out to my car.

Once I reached Luke's place, I got out of my car and locked it, heading up the porch. My heels lightly clunked against the dark wood as I walked, a sound that I oddly liked. I knocked on the front door after attempting to open the door and finding it locked, waiting patiently for him to come and let me in. After at least two minutes had passed and nobody had answered the door, though, I frowned. I knew he was home because his car was parked in front of the house, right beside mine.

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