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~Lilith's POV~

"I packed all my things up already, but will I need a sleeping bag and stuff?" I asked Scarlett as she and I walked down the hall on Friday, heading towards the cafeteria for lunch. She glanced over at me with an amused smile and nodded her head. "Well, yeah, unless you plan on just sleeping without a blanket or anything to cover you." She chuckled, smiling.

My lips pulled into a smile and I pulled open the cafeteria door, letting her enter first before I followed in after her. "I was just asking. I've never been to a lock in." I pouted, peering up at her. She smiled and we made our way towards our table, weaving between people that passed us. "Okay. Be sure you bring a toothbrush and paste, too." She advised, raising a brow at me. I nodded obediently, peeling my backpack off as we reached our table.

"Got it." I agreed, hooking my backpack over the back of my chair before I sat down. Today was the one day so far, apart from the first day, that I'd brought my own lunch again. I pulled my food out and situated myself in my chair, beginning to eat my food peacefully.

When I finished eating my lunch, I got up and cleaned up all my trash, throwing it into one of the cans before I returned back to the table and sat down. My mind began drifting off as I sat there, leaned back in my chair while everyone else talked with one another. To be honest, I was a little nervous about this lock in. I'd never been to one, nor had I ever considered that I'd go to one. Now that I was going to one, though, I didn't know what to think or expect from it.

What were we going to do? What were we going to eat? Were we just going to be sleeping on the floor? Well, I suppose that one was obvious. It wasn't like there was anywhere else for us to sleep in a school.

"Are you okay over there? Why do you look like that?" Luke mentioned suddenly, his blue eyes narrowing into slits as he looked at me. His voice surprised me on its own, being that he didn't seem to speak a whole lot, but what surprised me more was that he was talking to me. I blinked in surprise and saw him roll his eyes, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at me expectantly.

"Um, n-nothing." I mumbled, blushing in embarrassment. He sent me a flat look, silently telling me that he didn't buy my words, but he didn't press on the matter, thankfully. I looked down at my nails as they lightly scratched along the edge of the table, only getting a few seconds of quiet from someone before Scarlett nudged my elbow with hers.

"You know, usually I don't agree with Luke on anything he has to say about you, but I agree. Why do you look so anxious?" She asked softly, lowering her voice so that only I could hear her. I leaned closer to her, scooting my chair so there wasn't so much distance. "What if I end up hating the lock-in? I don't even know what we'll do!" I vented, looking up at her with a deep frown on my face. Her lips quirked up the slightest bit at the edges, her amusement threatening to show through. "Lil, calm down. I promise, you'll have fun." She assured.

"Whatever you say." I breathed, forcing myself to do as she said and calm down. There was no point in me fretting over this one little thing, especially since it wasn't a big deal.

When school was over, I headed home and parked my car in the driveway before I got out and went inside. "Hi, mom." I greeted her when I saw her sitting in the living room, her presence surprising me a little bit. I hadn't expected to see her home, and especially not so early. Mom smiled at me and stood up off of the couch, placing her cup onto the table. "Hey, Lil." She said, pulling me into a hug that I returned.

"So, about this lock in thing," She began, pulling away from me with her hands holding onto mine. I looked up at her as she spoke, showing her that I was paying attention. "Are there going to be teachers there?" She asked me, narrowing her eyes protectively.

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