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~Luke's POV~

I took the notebook from Lilith with a little pout, not much looking forward to doing this test that she had made me. "Do I have to?" I frowned, looking down at her. She nodded and pushed a strand of hair out of her face. "Yes, but don't stress about it. It's just to see how I need to go about this." She explained, giving me an encouraging smile.

Funnily enough, her smile made me calm down.

With a deep sigh, I grabbed the pencil that she'd used to write this test with, beginning to go through and circle my answers. I knew it was probably stupid, but when I finished, I felt embarrassed. Part of me didn't want to show her my answers in fear that they were wrong. She was so smart and I was over here, having to be tutored for fucking English. I didn't want her to think I was even more stupid than she probably already thought.

Lilith smiled, her red lips drawing my attention to them for the hundredth time since I'd seen her this morning. Her lips were so goddamn perfect and full, so kissable. I felt my heart stutter in my chest at the idea of kissing her and I looked away, pushing my thoughts away. There'd be no way she'd want me to kiss her.

When I had my thoughts back in order, I handed her my test and she took it with another smile my way. I felt my heart stutter again and I smiled back on instinct, unable to even think it through. She looked down at my test and began to look over my answers, my eyes drawn to her even though she wasn't looking back at me. Suddenly, though, she looked up and I felt my heart squeeze as her eyes met mine. "S-So?" I stuttered like an idiot, internally cursing myself for stuttering like that.

She bit her lip and scooted towards me a little more, her scent wafting into my face. "Well, you got some right and some wrong, which is a little weird." She said, her brows furrowed in confusion a little. Then, she smiled at me again. "But that's a good thing because it means you do understand them, you just get confused sometimes." She said optimistically, but it was too late. To know that I'd gotten them wrong made me feel a bit dumb. It wasn't anything she'd said or done; it was that I had gotten them wrong and then she was the one to tell me.

It was the same reason that I hadn't wanted her to see where I lived. She was smart, so I didn't want her to look at my answers when I knew there were some wrong, just like I hadn't wanted her to see my fucking trailer house because she lived in that giant mansion of hers. There was no need because I knew she didn't judge me, but I felt embarrassed. Maybe ashamed was a better word.

My feelings must've shown onto my face because her eyes softened and she gave me a small smile. "Don't worry. We'll work on it. I'll help you." She assured me, already pulling out her phone as she turned to another blank page in the notebook.

I watched her as she began writing on the new page, her writing neat and pretty despite the fact that she was rushing. When she finished, she handed me it and I saw that she had made an entire page of sentences with colons and semi-colons. "We're gonna go through these." She said, scooting closer to me so that she could see too. We started at the top of the page and she lightly tapped the first sentence. "So, you just tell me if you think it's colon or semi-colon and we'll go from there." She instructed kindly.

With just a little bit of her help, I managed to finally understand everything. "I think I've got it now." I said, nodding my head in understanding.

Lilith beamed and adorably shimmied in excitement. "Yay!" She cheered, that big grin still on her face. It was when I couldn't stop myself from smiling with her that I realized she had pulled me in at some point. I wasn't even sure when it had happened, nor was I sure how. All I knew was that I found her the most precious thing in the world and I didn't like it. I didn't like these feelings.

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