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~Luke's POV~

Lilith refused to talk to me.

It had been a couple of days now since she caught me having sex with Ruby and we had already started the new semester again, but she refused to talk to me. I wanted to explain it all to her, but I couldn't even get the girl to look at me. She was avoiding me like the goddamn plague and I was sure that nothing had ever hurt me more.

I knew that I'd fucked up, that was incredibly clear. If she'd just listen at the very least, though, then she'd understand that it's not what she's thinking. It's not like she thinks it is. I could still remember it all very clearly.

When I'd left to go to Lilith and I's room to go to sleep, I had gone into the wrong room. In my very drunken mind, I had miscounted the number of doors and gone into the room beside Lilith and I's room, which happened to be Ruby's room. Because all of the bedrooms were set up the exact same, I hadn't even noticed that it wasn't our room. I hadn't noticed that there was someone in the bathroom, or that the luggage on the floor wasn't ours. All I did was crawl into bed and drift off to sleep, just like Lilith had wanted me to.

Before I knew it, I felt a small hand shaking me awake and my tired and drunk mind immediately presumed that it was Lilith, as she'd told me she'd be joining me in bed in a while. That was why I'd just reached right out and swung my arm out in search for her, eventually managing to tug her down into the bed without even realizing it was Ruby.

My brain and body was so incredibly hazy that, even when I had looked right at Ruby, I didn't see her. It didn't even process that it wasn't Lilith under me, that it wasn't Lilith who I was inside of. Somehow, Ruby's face had just become Lilith's and I'd thought that it was Lilith there, not even realizing that she didn't smell like Lilith. She didn't feel like her or sound like her, either, but none of that had processed with the state that I'd been in. Ruby had been Lilith until I realized she wasn't, and that realization had only come when Lilith herself came busting into the room, confusing me.

I could still remember that intense ripple of confusion that had passed through me when I saw Lilith standing in the doorway, only because I could've sworn that she'd just been under me. Seeing her in the doorway, tears on her cheeks, had been enough to snap me out of it and suddenly I was more awake and alert, realizing when I'd looked down that it was Ruby. All I wanted was to explain it to her.

I knew that it still didn't exactly excuse what I'd done and she had every right to be upset with me. I just wanted her to know that Ruby wasn't the one I'd thought was under me, that I hadn't done it because it was Ruby, but because I thought it was Lilith. Lilith had been the only girl I'd slept with since I'd taken her virginity because she was all that I wanted. She was all that I needed, so I didn't care about other girls. Just her. She was the only one I wanted under me like that, the only girl that I cared about pleasing.

Now, it was Tuesday afternoon and everyone was sat at the lunch table together, everyone except for Lilith. She always had been the one to arrive last, after all.

When she did arrive, I stared at her like a love struck moron, watching as she looped her backpack over the back of her chair like she always did. I scanned my eyes over her as she stood there in all her glory, taking in her outfit for today. She had on a red corset that laced up the front and was really tight on her, emphasizing the size of her chest and the curve of her waist when paired with her red high-waisted pants that clung to her figure. She had a loose, silky red jacket that hung off one of her shoulders and red heels that pushed her up a few inches taller. Around her neck, she had a few gold necklaces layered and her lips were painted a sultry red shade.

Instead of greeting me like she usually would, before I'd gone and fucked everything up, she just sat in her chair beside Michael and Scarlett with her tray and scooted in beneath the table. With a little frown on my face, I peered over at her hopefully, wishing she would at least look at me. I missed having her look at me.

After maybe five minutes of me just staring at her, knowing she could feel my gaze on her, I felt Ashton nudge my arm with his elbow. "You're being weird, dude. I don't think she's gonna look back." He said, raising a brow at me. I huffed in defeat and slouched back in my chair, frowning as I looked at her again, upset. "I know." I admitted with a sigh, dropping my gaze back down to the table. "I just want her to talk to me again." I whined softly, crossing my arms over my chest while I pouted. Calum raised a brow from beside Ashton, leaning forward to input himself in the conversation. "You can't blame her. I mean, you kind of fucked it up yourself." Calum pointed out, shrugging.

I huffed again and nodded my head. "I know." I repeated, leaning my chin against my hand as my elbow rested atop the table. "I just want to talk to her about it. It's not the way she thinks it is." I sighed softly, gazing over at her while she spoke to Scarlett and Trinity, paying me absolutely no mind.

"Have you tried?" Calum asked, raising a thick, dark brow at me in question. I scowled a little. "Yes, I've tried. The fuck do you think I've been doing?" I accidentally snapped, causing him to raise his hands in surrender. Realizing I was taking my frustrations out on him, I sighed and shook my head. "Sorry." I muttered, shooting him a look. Ashton and Calum both smiled in amusement a little, seeming to realize just how upset I was over this. "I mean, tried besides staring at her all the time." Calum teased, a grin on his lips.

My cheeks darkened in embarrassment and Ashton let out a cackle, grinning to himself. "Jesus, you're whipped. What all have you done to try to fix it?" He chuckled, shaking his head in amusement at how much I liked her. At this point, I didn't even care that they were both teasing me about how much I liked her because I knew I loved her and I didn't care if they knew about it. "I tried to talk to her after it happened and she kicked me out of the room to sleep on the couch. Then I tried again the next day and she's just been ignoring me ever since." I sighed, a frown on my face. I didn't know what to do if she wouldn't even give me the time of day.

"Maybe she just needs time." Calum suggested, shrugging cluelessly. I scowled at him, shaking my head. "I don't think time is going to fix it for her." I said, shaking my head softly. Ashton paused for a second, glancing over at her in thought. "Try it differently. Maybe try to talk to her at a time where she can't just refuse and ignore you and then leave." He said eventually, causing me to hum.

Truthfully, I hadn't really tried to talk to her in person outside of school. It was just calls and texts. I really wasn't the best at figuring out ways to apologize to people, especially since I'd never been in a position like this. Before Lilith, I never really had to worry about screwing up a relationship with a girl and now I did.

At the end of the school day, I went home, trying to think of a way to talk to her in a place and time where she wouldn't be able to just leave and ignore me. If I tried to text or call her, she'd ignore me. If I tried to talk to her in school, she'd leave. If I tried to go to her house, she wouldn't answer the door. Then, however, I realized she'd answer the door if she didn't know it was me. Of course, it was that easy. I just didn't tell her I was coming over and she'd open the door, which would give me the perfect opportunity to slip in and talk to her. How it took me this long to concoct such a simple plan, I have no idea.

However, I knew that I couldn't do it today. It was Tuesday and, as I'd learned from Scarlett since Lilith herself wouldn't talk to me, Lilith had returned back to volunteering at the soup kitchen. She was supposed to tutor me still, but ever since she'd caught me with Ruby, that had been ruled out.

Because of that, I decided to save my plan to be acted out for another day, and soon.

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