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~Lilith's POV~

The Monday after Halloween, Luke showed up at my house after school, pulling into my driveway after me. I got out of my car and he got out of his, the both of us locking our cars before he followed me up the driveway to the front door.

I opened the door and let him enter first, heading inside after him and closing and locking the door behind us. "How has your day been?" I asked him politely, trying to make conversation, but it seemed he didn't want to converse with me because he just crossed his arms over his chest broodingly. "Not here to chat with you about my day, angel." He said flatly.

Awkwardly, I pursed my lips and looked down, nodding. "Right, okay. Sorry." I muttered, quickly skirting past him and heading towards the stairs. He followed after me and we went into my bedroom, leaving the door open as I sat down on my bed with him. "Um, we finished the reading already, right?" I asked him, placing my backpack down right beside me onto my bed. He nodded, setting his own bag down. "Mhm." He hummed.

"Okay." I muttered quietly. "Well, then we can start with the vocabulary today, since you're behind on that, too." I said, sliding off of my bed and heading over to a small pink work desk that I had in the corner of my room against the wall. There was a simple pink desk chair in front of it with soft pink fur on the seat.

I opened one of the drawers to the desk and pulled out a bunch of blank flash cards and a black sharpie. "We'll be doing flash cards, okay?" I mentioned, scurrying my way back over to my bed and sitting back down where I was. He nodded and took out his textbook, so that we could go through the textbook for the vocabulary up until the unit we were in now. I opened the sharpie and flipped open to the first unit, finding the list of vocabulary at the beginning of the unit.

The first list of vocabulary words was abdicate, benevolent, frugal, intrepid, jubilation, novice, rancorous, and tactful. I began to write all of the words on separate cards, the vocabulary word on the front and the definition of the word on the back.

When I finished writing them all down, I handed him the cards and then grabbed some more blank ones to write on. "These are from the first unit. You need to study them while I write the vocabulary from the second unit and once you've studied them enough, we can go over them together." I instructed, turning the pages in the textbook until I reached the second unit vocabulary.

Luke pursed his lips but nodded, beginning to do as I'd instructed and carefully taking his time studying the vocabulary cards. While he did that, I continued to do the words from the second unit until I was finished.

A few of his curls hung in his face as he studied, his brows furrowed in concentration. When I finished writing down all the vocabulary and he finished studying his cards, I took them and began holding them up so only the word faced him and the definition faced me. "Are we doing all the unit vocabulary today?" He asked, looking down at the other completed vocabulary cards beside me on the bed. I smiled a little and shook my head. "No." I said.

He nodded, diverting his gaze back up to the cards in his hands. "Okay." He muttered softly. We began going through the vocabulary words and he managed pretty well to be able to remember the definitions to a good number of the words.

However, he started to struggle with the words novice, rancorous, and frugal, which was fine. I didn't rush him or anything, instead just waiting patiently for him to try to remember the definition as he thought to himself. "I can't remember." He sighed deeply, throwing his head back in defeat and frustration. I smiled a little, looking up at him. "Do you want me to tell you it?" I asked, cocking my head to the side curiously. His brows furrowed in frustration and he shook his head, a little bit hesitant. "No. I can remember it." He insisted with a deep sigh, but even after five minutes had gone by, he was still silent.

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