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~Lilith's POV~

The first day of our stay in the big resort, which had a large heated swimming pool even up in the cold mountains, I woke up early and sat up, looking down at Luke's large figured as he slept beside me on his back. As quietly as possible, I crept out of bed, taking my suitcase with me into the bathroom so that I could pick out my clothes in there.

I shut the bathroom door behind me and made sure to lock it, turning on the shower before I searched through my suitcase for something to wear. Although I didn't know what we were going to do today, I just settled for picking out a simple big pink sweater that fell to my knees, figuring I could always change if we ended up doing something together that involved leaving the room. Yesterday had been the day that all of us had just spent our time settling in, or at least that's what everyone else did. I had just slept the day away after we'd arrived. I'd slept well over twelve hours.

However, it did seem that sleeping those many hours hadn't been something that was bad for me, being that a lot of the pain had dissipated between my legs. There was still a bit of an aching soreness, but I could walk on my own and I definitely wasn't hurting anywhere near as bad as I had been just yesterday. Unfortunately for Luke, though, that didn't mean that I was up for more just yet. I was still recovering, after all.

When I had found a pair of underwear and a simple bra, I placed them on the sink with my sweater and zipped my suitcase closed before I went ahead and did my business. Then, I got into the shower, using the shampoo and conditioner of my own that I had brought along with me, as well as my own body wash. When I finished, I got out of the shower and wrapped one of the soft, fluffy towels around my figure, my hair dripping down my shoulders and beneath my towel.

I made sure my body was dry before I got dressed, slipping my glasses on once again so I didn't have to take the time wearing my contacts. For some reason, I only wore my contacts if I had makeup on. Otherwise, I just wore my glasses.

Once I was dressed and had my glasses on, I left the bathroom with my suitcase, putting it back where it belonged. Because it was only seven AM and I wasn't sure what time Luke had gone to bed, I quietly tip-toed towards the bedroom door, being as quiet as possible in order to not wake him up. I left the room and headed to the living room, unsurprised that I was the only one that was awake yet. That was what I thought, anyways, until I suddenly heard Ashton speak up from behind me.

"I didn't expect anyone else to be up this early." He said out of the blue, his unexpected voice causing me to jump in surprise and turn to face him. I noticed he had a cup of coffee in his hand and I relaxed, fiddling with the very long sleeves my arms were in. "Me neither." I admitted, giving him a small smile.

"There's coffee, if you want any. We also went grocery shopping yesterday while you were sleeping, in case you're hungry." He mentioned to me, gesturing his head in what I assumed was the direction of the kitchen. I hadn't exactly had the chance yet to explore this entire room, so I wasn't sure of where the kitchen was or what it looked like. "Oh, okay." I said softly. "Thanks." I smiled, skirting past his large figure as I skittered into the kitchen by myself, wanting some coffee.

I grabbed the coffee and poured myself some in a glass coffee cup, wondering if they had bought these at the store as well. For a moment, I felt a little bad, being that I'd slept all day while they were all out paying for things for us all to eat and I hadn't even helped at all. However, I was distracted from my thoughts by the voice of Ashton, who had evidently followed me into the kitchen. "Luke is still asleep, I'm guessing?" He asked, causing me to look over at him as I placed the coffee back down and nodded. "Oh, yeah." I said, giggling in amusement at the thought of him getting up this early. "He would never get up at this time." I added, smiling.

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