C1. Murder Scene

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He Bai stared at the computer screen with his eyes open wide in shock, his hands shaking as he continuously enlarged the photograph he had just imported into his computer.

Inside the photograph, you could see a gorgeous scene of the city nightlife. The lights of ten thousand homes and stars spread out on the horizon, with soft and gentle natural starlight and extravagant artificial lights blending together, like the collision of reality and fantasy.

This was a very successful photograph of the evening scenery, very in line with the main theme of the International Photography Exhibition《Sky》, which was hosted by the famous photographer Zhao Tianhu. His three days camping out on the mountain to take this picture were not spent in vain.

But now, none of these were the main point. The main point was that in the corner of this photograph, next to H city's tallest clock tower, a human figure could be seen jumping from the tallest floor of some big building.

His phone suddenly rang, calling him back from his thoughts. Picking up the phone, not waiting for the person on the other side to say anything, he said in an urgent tone, "Uncle Zhao, I might have taken a photo of something crazy."

"What did you take a picture of?" Zhao Tianhu asked in his very characteristic hoarse voice, with a very light tone showing his evidently happy mood, "It looks like our newest master photographer Mr. Xiao He, is going to give these old guys a big surprise, huh? What happened, did you end up hallucinating after taking the photo of your dreams?"

"No." He Bai's throat felt a little tight, he swallowed and said, "It seems like... I might have photographed a murder scene."


The great Film Emperor Mr. Di Qiuhe committed suicide by jumping off a building!

This explosive news quickly became viral, occupying the front page headlines of all of the online news websites. Various fans and passersby crazily refreshed the sites of all the major news networks, questioning whether this was just an April Fool's Day joke done in extremely bad taste, scolding the different news platforms as shameless for cursing Film Emperor Di to die.

Nobody could believe that Di Qiuhe would ever commit suicide. He was such a talented, gentle, and powerful person. Fifteen years after his debut, he brought so many excellent works to the masses. He established a company that fostered so many outstanding juniors in the entertainment circle. His relations with other people were some of the best in the industry- anybody who mentioned him wouldn't be able to help themselves from saying something good about him. How can this kind of person, who even when he was banned from work in the industry was able to work hard for his dreams, decide to commit suicide! Most importantly, he was only 35 years old! He was still so young!

The crazy questioning from his fans flooded the internet. Everybody thought that this was just a joke by someone with bad taste, but a message sent out by Huading Company's official Weibo plunged them all into the abyss.

[It is with great pain and grief that we send our chairman Di Qiuhe to a better place. Rest in peace.]

The whole internet seemed to be shrouded in silence. The news from the official Weibo of his company made it impossible for anybody to deceive themselves anymore.

"No! I don't believe it!" Di Qiuhe's little sister Di Chunhua cried and fell to the floor with her makeup running down her face and her hair a mess. Her pure white skirt became covered in dust after coming into touching the ground, "That isn't my brother, my brother can't be like this..."

On the other side of the shaking camera lens, Mr. Di Qiuhe's sister fell to the ground surrounded by a circle of reporters, crying in a disordered and pitiful way, letting anyone who listened to feel sad and anyone who saw her to cry as well.

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