C121. The Worried "Old Father"

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"Manager?" Xing Shaofeng got interested and supported his head with his hand. The horrible skin of his face contrasted sharply to his slender and beautiful fingers. He asked, "So your friend is a celebrity? Do you mind telling me who he is?"

He Bai had spent so many years with him in the past life, so he knew that he got interested when he asked that way. He then replied immediately, "My friend is Di Qiuhe. He used to work for Huangdu but now he is working on his own. He has got the perfect look and acting skills, and he is also very hardworking and with huge potential. You will get much more from him, trust me!"

Xing Shaofeng had strong capabilities but he didn't want to be controlled by the company. He also didn't want to start his own business, so he only wanted to work for someone.

His preference for a job was quite special that he only chose individual person to work for. And he only chose the one who had huge potential and who was particularly good at something. In his words from the past life, he would say, "I really enjoy the feeling of cultivating my own boss."

He was also quite peculiar in asking for salary. The more potential his boss got, the less money he would ask for; yet the less potential his boss got, the more money he would require on the contrary. It was said that he believed that he felt "not willing to fight at all, and sometimes wanting to smash the boss" when developing a person with less potential. And instead, he felt "super eager to fight and would rather pay his own money to witness the process of a nobody turning into a great one."

Anyway, this was a guy with strong capabilities and also interesting personality. Yet a person like him saw He Bai as a guy with huge potential in the past life, and he had only asked him for 1 million as his annual salary, which was his lowest request for god's sake!

Back then, He Bai had felt that the price was a bit expensive, and then he had been totally

convinced by Xing Shaofeng's financial planning. It was just super hard to find someone like him who managed your money to make more money to pay his own salary! One must be retarded to not hire him!

But maybe because no one was retarded, so Xing Shaofeng could never get along with his bosses. Ordinary people always wanted to keep their cash cow for their entire life, but the cash cow didn't think the same.

Therefore, there were many dramas going on, such as looting, forcing, or something like "if you aren't mine then you aren't his either." And then, that was quite a good-looking cash cow, who was so lovely and considerate. So apart from those money-looting bosses, there were also some lunatics who wanted to ruin him as they couldn't get him.

What a sad story. Could anything be more pathetic?

It seemed that Xing Shaofeng's face was ruined because a former female boss failed to get him and got mentally ill that she put a poisonous bug on his face. Yet luckily, that bug was not as horrible as the sulfuric acid, so he could still be cured. Also, Xing Shaofeng was born to be handsome, so after half a year of recovering, he regained his beautiful face and didn't have any scar left.

So jealous.

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm wondering about how your face..." He Bai wisely stopped speaking with a sly grin. That was so close that he almost got busted. He Bai has just spent too many years with him in the past life that he had no guard up in front of him.

"Face?" Xing Shaofeng saw that he suddenly stopped speaking with his grin, so he thought maybe He Bai was afraid of touching his sore spot. He laughed lightly and said, "Just got ill and it's gonna be alright after a few months. Sorry for scaring you."

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