C25. Three-in-one(3)

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He Bai: How are you recently? Is it you who release the news of taking drug? How are you going to end this?

Di Qiuhe: Are you missing me?

He Bai: "......"

He Bai: Please calm down first. Then we'll get down to business.

He kept a straight face, threw he phone into the drawer, hit the close button hard on the webpage and buried himself in reading.

Half hour later, he took the phone out from the drawer and opened the short message page again.

He Bai: When are you going to clarify, and then put on an act of sadly cancelling your Weibo accountWeibo?

Although he knew that explosive news were fake, maybe some people on the internet who abused Di Qiuhe seriously were arranged by Di Qiuhe himself, he still felt not comfortable and unhappy after he saw the information full of negative energy.

Di Qiuhe: Are you feeling sorry for me?

He Bai thought he needed to drink some cold water to calm down.

Di Qiuhe: Do you ignore me again?

Di Qiuhe: Puppy, you are so cruel-hearted.

Di Qiuhe: The news will be clarified soon.

Di Qiuhe: Check out my WeiboWeibo.

He Bai was stunned. He held his mouse, logged into the Weibo and searched the account of Di Qiuhe.

It took a while for the page to jump out. On the home page of Di Qiuhe, which had not been updated for several days, a video Weibo appeared on the top.

He moved his mouse to click it.

"Hello, everyone. I am Di Qiuhe, the eldest son of Di Bian who is the President of Huangdu. I was the partner of Huang Xunzhou, former actor of Huangdu."

The face of Di Qiuhe appeared in the video. The background of the video was the back seat of a car.

"I have seen all kinds of news on the internet and I want to make the clarification as below: first of all, during the contract period with Huangdu, I never used the power of my father to do anything. This can be proved by any employee of Huangdu. That is because till now, except some people of top management, most of the employees do not know that I am a son of Di Bian. Secondly, I never discriminated against the gay community or had I bullied my partner. The reason that our acting combination was dissolved and I worked alone at that time was because my partner said that he would go to foreign country and marry his boyfriend and live a quite life without disturbance. This can be proved by my agent at that time. If you think that my agent's evidence can be false, then I have nothing else to say. Thirdly, I was a student of Department of Economics of Q University. I lived in campus when I was a freshman; and moved out after signing the contract with Huangdu as a sophomore. After then, I began to be absent from class for a long time, but I learned by myself and came back to participate the examination of every semester. I entered into Q University by formal entrance examination and got the graduation certificate fair and square. Welcome to inquire about my academic performance in the office of academic affairs of Q University."

Then, he paused and suddenly smiled.

"As for the drug abuse rumors today, I am on my way to the hospital now, with a notary staff around me. My urine test results will be released by the notary personnel first time it came out. You are welcome to supervise. In addition, the love affair between Miss Liu and I is also nonsense. She was the ex-girlfriend of the roommates of one of my alumni in lower grade, and now the girlfriend of Du Hao who is the host of B city. I have nothing to do with her. "

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