C19. Blow You a Kiss

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There occurred a muffled noise when his cell phone hit the fruits basket on the teapoy. Glancing at the guy who threw a fit, Jiang Xiuwen had no alternative but to bend over to pick his phone up, asking, "What's the matter? Is the z-list host pestering you again?"

Di Qiuhe got into a sheer panic, his mind stuffed with He Bai's derision. Not in the mood for Jiang's words, he covered his head with his hands and seemed on the verge of a breakdown.

'Dumbass in the flesh.'

Jiang Xiuwen heaved a sigh, ready to inquire what happened to He Bai when his mobile phone vibrated all of the sudden. The screen turned bright immediately, and another new message came.

White and Whiter: Are you feeling sad now? Cheep up, Bro Three! Liu Huanhuan and you are definitely ill-matched in terms of deposition. You deserve better.

The text not only puzzled Jiang Xiuwen but also took him by surprise, "Isn't this man the one who you asked me the other day to send a WeChat message in your name in reply. I remember you specially urged me to add a smiling emoji at the end of the text. But why does he call you Bro Three? Who he really is? The 'male fan' of yours?"

"He called me Bro Three?" Di Qiuhe raised his head, bucked up in a flash, grabbed his phone from Jiang Xiuwen and looked at the message again and again. His expression kept changing and finally put on an air of anger. With his lower jaw slightly lifted, he started typing hard.

A Bird Born in Autumn: I am not Bro Three! I have no ex-girlfriend! You wronged me and scared me!

After sending the text, he found the tone of his message appeared quite strange, not in line with the manner of speaking of an adorable girl, thus hurrying some remedy.

A Bird Born in Autumn: What a lovely single girl I am ^-^

A Bird Born in Autumn: Thank you for the photo. I like it very much.

After some hesitation, he cast a glance at Jiang Xiuwen, leaned to one side and covered the phone screen with his hand, typing quickly.

A Bird Born in Autumn: Blow you a kiss.

Seeing He Bai send message in a furtive manner, Jiang Xiuwen was completely dumbfounded. A myriad of feelings welled up within him... He must have been so possessed by devil that he had made friends with such a neurotic!

Noticing the reply from Bro Three, He Bai's mind went blank for a while. He cast an eye on the top of the chatting box, only to find that he had sent messages to a buyer's WeChat account which used similar profile pic with that of Bro Three -- a careless mistake. Both images were brown toned, quite similar at the first sight. Besides, his mobile phone was cheap and nasty, making it hard to tell the pics apart with its low-quality screen and disappointing color rendering performance. Therefore, he mistook the buyer for Di Qiuhe due to carelessness.

What a bad thing he had done to gossip about another person when her back was turned! ... He was slightly embarrassed and then moved by the considerateness the buyer displayed. It was very considerate of 'her' to help him resolve the awkward situation with a teasing yet lovely reply.

What a kind and sweet girl she was! Plus, the habit of spreading one's gossip behind his back must be kicked in that it's proved immoral. Thinking in this way, he hurriedly replied the message to apologize.

White and Whiter: Sorry, I had mixed your account up with that of another person.

White and Whiter: Thank you for reminding me. Kiss back.

After he sent the message, his dresser came along to discuss something with him. Stowing his cell phone away, He Bai followed her to the car to choose the clothes Yang Fu were to wear in a while.

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