C10. Such a Niggard

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With the computer sponsored by Niu Junjie, He Bai went full-on retouching photographs mode.

The salary package offered by Saint Elephant Studio includes a basic salary plus commission from retouching photos. Since he was just a freshman in the company, and worked part-timely, so the basic salary he got was just 1200 Yuan, which might be deducted if he couldn't reach the minimum number of retouching required by the company. But luckily the number required was not that much, so it would be easy to finish.

The commission for a retoucher varied widely. An experienced retoucher could get from a few hundreds at least to thousands at most with just one photo. But for a green-hand like him, a harsh photographic studio was justified to offer 1 Yuan for a photo, and nobody would argue about it. Luckily enough, Li Ru was quite generous with talents, so the base commission rate He Bai could get was 10 Yuan.

A retoucher who worked fast could retouch a few hundreds of photos in a single day. So, if you could handle it, the earnings you could get were quite considerable, but it was also tiring. He Bai didn't intend to do the work for a long time, and once he could save enough money to cover his living expenses in summer holiday and to pay for his tuition for the next term, he would say good-bye to the monotonous assembly-line-like work.

The tasks assigned to him by Saint Elephant were portraits for most of the time, among which the portraits of babies occupied the majority, and scenery-oriented advertising photos made up a small part. The work didn't require much skill, and he could easily finish dozens of photos in a day if there were few classes that day, so he could earn good money.

After packing the photos retouched today and uploading them to the mail-box, He Bai stretched himself. Noticing it was already past 11:30 p.m., he hurriedly turned off his computer, took a shower and went to sleep.

At the weekend, He Bai came to Saint Elephant Studio to handle the admission procedures he didn't have time to deal with last week.

"Ah, Hi, Xiao He," walking out from the office on the second floor, Li Ru, standing beside the handrail, waved at him with a smile, "Come on up, I have something to talk with you."

Noticing the Destroy Nun of the Design Department came out from her office suddenly, and talked with a stranger in a friendly manner, employees coming and going cast curious looks to He Bai who had just walked out of the Personnel Department.

Having perceived the attention from the staff, He Bai greeted them with a shy smile, and went upstairs with the admission materials.

After he followed Li Ru to enter an office, one employee who was moving clothes asked with curiosity, "Who is the guy? He looks handsome, and even has dimples on his face. I noticed he took admission materials in hand. A new-coming trainee?"

"He is not a trainee, but a part-time retoucher hired last week." A receptionist girl came out of the tea room, and said in a low voice.

"You guys went to work in the field last week, so you didn't know. He was interviewed and hired by Chief Inspector Li in person, and his retouching skill is just like such." While saying, the receptionist gave a thumbs-up, and then added, "Besides, he is a top student from Q University, so don't boss him around the way you treat other trainees, or Chief Inspector Li will settle it with you."

Thinking of Li Ru and her RBF, these employees trembled, and didn't continue the topic any more tacitly.

"A new-coming retoucher he is! I have been wondering why the tasks assigned to me recently have been much lighter, and it turns out that somebody has helped me share the assignments." A stubby young man with glasses interrupted with a smile, "That's great! Ms. Li is so considerate. The photos from the TV station are much too sizable, and we all have been focusing on them. It is good to have someone share some odds and ends for us."

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