C35. Shitty Memory! (1)

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As a loud crash came,

Di Qiuhe jumped into the water, while He Bai's instep was dripping wet from the spray.

"... What is he doing?" Niu Junjie was shocked by Di's sudden move. He looked down at the surface of the pool, baffled.

He Bai shook his head and came to himself. It seemed that something occurred to him and made his face distorted, then he also jumped into the water.

Another spray came, wetting Niu Junjie's face.

Niu Junjie: "..."

The fat cook running over with a barbecue fork, pushing Niu behind with a serious face, "Don't be afraid, Master, security is coming. That intruder seems mental disordered, do not approach him. I...I learnt dog paddle when I was young, maybe I can go to save Master He..."

"Relax, uncle Hu, I knew that wall-climber, not an intruder." Niu Junjie patted the cook's shoulder and wiped away the water on his face. After a second-of-thought, he walked to the pool and jumped into it. Since He Bai, his good mate, vigorously helped to save the phone, he could not stand by!

Uncle Hu: "..."

The surface of the pool gradually resorted calm. After a short struggle with his mind, uncle Hu took off his apron, gritted his teeth and jumped into the water. Since his Master jumped, he had no excuse to escape, or he might well lose his job.

The security that arrived: "..."

The water in the pool was fresh and clear. He Bai immediately found Di Qiuhe floundering about in the water. He was totally speechless, instantly swimming to him. When Di Qiuhe noticed him, He Bai gave him a hint to stay there and threw his arms around Di's waist. He did kick and stroke in the water, trying hard to surface.

After balancing himself, Di Qiuhe blinked and looked down at the arm seizing his waist. He suddenly moved his head closer to He Bai and gave him a smile.

He Bai gave him a glimpse with a stolid face.

Di Qiuhe smiled slightly, ... You may read the left chapter on Flying Lines (click the link below) :D

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