C5. To Order to Eat Meat

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Xu Yinrong put the ten photographs on the table, and took off his presbyopia glasses to look at He Bai, asking, "Which one do you think is the best?"

He Bai rubbed his face to let himself look more spirited in spite of the headache from his hangover. He looked over the photographs one by one, raised his hand, hesitated for a moment, before pointing the picture in the upper right corner of the bus driver, "This one."

"Why do you think that is?"

"Just a feeling."

"What kind of feeling?"

He picked up the picture with the bad lighting and skewed composition, looked at the fine wrinkles on the corners of the dark brown eyes of the driver in the rearview mirror, and answered him while recalling the feeling that he had when he took the photo, "I just felt... that the look in his eyes was really good. After taking the picture, the feeling I had in my heart was just that- that with this look in his eyes, the whole picture just felt like it came to life. I felt very satisfied, very happy."

Xu Yinrong's eyes moved a little, and continued to ask, "Why were you happy?"

"Because I recorded a moment that was worth remembering." The feeling of chaos caused by his hangover gradually disappeared. His mouth unconsciously turned up, with the dimple on his left cheek showing up, "When I saw this photograph, my mind unconsciously flashes through the time that this driver was both relieved yet apologetic for bringing inconvenience to his passengers because he was trying to avoid hitting a puppy. His eyes in that moment... were very kind. This is the only photograph in these ten pictures that let me have an urge to put it away in an album, and leave it for me to look back on my memories when I'm old."

"Uh-huh." Xu Yinrong, with a faint smile on his face, nodded, "Not bad. You can take a break next week."

He Bai couldn't keep up with train of thought, "Take a break?"

Xu Yinrong nodded, leaning over to take out a roster from his drawer, turning to the page that had He Bai's name on it, and using a red pen, he crossed out the score of zero, changed it to 95 points, closed the roster, and waved at him to leave, "I'm giving you a week off. Now go, take a nice break. It's better for young people to drink less- it's bad for your body."

He Bai's eyes lit up as he looked at the roster in his hands. After he changed his grades, he stood up excitedly and gave him a bow, and said while smiling foolishly, "Thank you, Professor! Professor, you're really the best!" After he finished saying that, he took the camera to run away, scared that he would regret his decision and change his grades back.

"That little brat..." Xu Yinrong shook his head, but the smile on his face grew bigger without him realizing it. He picked put his phone, calling his good friend, "Hey Lao Jiang- do you still remember that good seedling that I told you about last time? He's made some real big progress..."

For the first time, He Bai was praised by Professor Xu. He happily went to the back street to eat a meal of meat, and then with an extremely good mood, brought all of his possessions with him to go to the famous wedding photography street in B City.

He thought about it for a long time, before finally deciding on a both quick way to make money that would also take into account his major- editing photographs!

A photographer who couldn't edit his pictures well, was not a good chef in the kitchen. One perfect picture definitely had the shadows of people tweaking it in the later stages. As a photographer who mainly took photos of the scenery, his photoshop skills couldn't be said to be at the top-notch, but they were still pretty good. Those blue skies, clear ocean water, gorgeous colors of the rainbow, birds flying away after being startled in the forest... He could also choose not to edit them, but as long as you edited them properly, a photo that was 80 points could immediately change into a photo worth 100 points! Even though he leaned more towards, and was also better at, taking landscape pictures, and the amount of editing he did on portraits couldn't match up to the amount he did on those of scenery, he had more than a decade's worth of experience on everyone else. As long as he was willing to learn and to practice, it would be more than enough to cover his living expenses.

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