C67. Xiao Bai (3)

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He Bai looked at him and recalled the "apologize by drinking three shots" video. His mild heart was softened. After a few-second silence, he said, "I accept your apology. As for Qiuhe...I will talk with him later." After these days, he had basically cooled down. Besides, blocking and farewell were just tricks to frighten him so that he could remember this lesson and never did it again. 'Now Jiang Xiuwen came to apologize for his friend in person while Di Qiuhe had also learnt from it, so, it's time to move on.'

"Thank you for your forgiveness." Hearing that, Jiang Xiuwen finally breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't expected that things could go on so smoothly. Gazing at He Bai's gradually mature face and recalled Di Qiuhe's determined, "he-is-the-one" face, he couldn't help saying something nice to talk his friend up, "Mr. He, Qiuhe is a little bit childish. Sometimes he might go too far, but he bears no ill will. He had intended to use the joke to get closer to you. He is kind of dumb and adopted the inappropriate method, and his complicated family background has also made him...Anyway, if he does anything stupid in the future, don't hesitate beating and scolding him. He won't resist, just hope you do not ignore him again. He doesn't have many friends and susceptible to friends' emotions, so even if he is sad, he will not show it."

He Bai was baffled by his last words. He remembered that Di Qiuhe was clearly happy at his birthday night, but he just restrained his happiness and did not know how to express it, making him even less talkative than usual. He had great sympathy for Di Qiuhe, sighing unconsciously. Then he smiled to Jiang Xiuwen and said, "I see, thanks for your reminding."

"Not at all", Jiang Xiuwen said hurriedly, full of gratification and anxiety.

His friend had an infallible eye for He Bai, who was really good. But as considerate as He Ba, who was also blessed with such good temperament, such strong ability, and such a handsome face...Anyway, he worried about whether Di Qiuhe could capture the heart of such an excellent boy. It would be slightly easier if He Bai was gay, but what if he was completely straight...Then that would be tragic and miserable. Back to the dorm, He Bai recalled all the things happened in these days and sighed again. He took out the box he received today from his bag.

He Bai felt speechless but also thought Di Qiuhe was funny.

Di Qiuhe...was so childish that he could only use such childish way to apologize. What a blockhead.

While roommates were out, he inserted the card into computer and played the video.

"Xiao Bai." Di Qiuhe was in a more plainly furnished room. He sat on the bed with boxer shorts and night trousers, as well as a serious face.

His skin was even more tanned in just a few days. And an injury lay on his arm, a scar on his forehead. Yet his eyes became more powerful, but now they were mixed with unease and ingratiation. This kind of contradiction made him lovelier. "I was on the set when you called me yesterday, so I missed it, sorry." He stood upright as he was saying, "Jiang Xiuwen told me that apology must be full of sincerity. I am afraid that you will miss the messages that I have sent you on Weibo and campus network, so I recorded this video. I have to continue my filming tonight, so, I cannot drink. I will compensate you these three shots next time, sorry."

He Bai looked at Di Qiuhe's tired, bleary red eyes and then turned to his dark circles. Finally, there went his last anger.

"And..." Di Qiuhe sat in a more overcautious manner and said with a stiff face, "To not make it worse, I decide to confess one more thing."

He Bai was shocked and then frowned. 'Did he cheat me for something else?'

"After pissing you off, I secretly contacted Niu Junjie and asked for the ways to obtain your forgiveness. It's not spying on you or inquiring about your privacy. If you feel offended, I will stop, sorry."

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