C152. Surprise

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At the weekend, Niu Junjie took He Bai to the company, went straight to the top chairman's office, called his father who was on business trip and asked for the password of the safe.

He Bai thought he somewhat resembled a blockhead when opening the safe with his butt bending down, he worried. "Is this the watch your father is going to give your mother as a gift. You just take it out like that. What if it breaks?"

"If it breaks, fix it. It's fine. My parents don't care. Besides, it looks delicate but it's solid actually. It won't break unless hit it with a stone or fall high." Niu Junjie waved his hand carelessly, closed the safe, stuffed the watch box into his bag, grabbed He Bai by the shoulder and shook his head handsomely. "Come! I'll show you something good!"

He Bai walked with him passively, wondering, "Show me? Aren't we go to take pictures? "

"Taking pictures while gaining experience. Let's go. I've found you a great place. I'm sure the pictures you take will be beautiful!" Niu Junjie guaranteed, full of confidence.

He Bai raised his eyebrows, smiled at him and stopped asking.

An hour later, Niu Junjie parked in front of a club.

"This is where my mother received her love token from my father." Niu Junjie handed the key to the valet who came to meet him. As he walked in with him adeptly, he told him, "Right here, my father won my mother's heart with an ugly watch he designed and made by himself, which could be called fortune favors fools. Sometimes, my mother would jokingly complain to me that she was totally worried that my father, the man of an imposing build, would cry out if being rejected, that was the reason she said yes. It would be thrilling as she imagined, thus she shivered and agreed. "

He Bai: "..." LaoSan was bearish indeed, who could even tease his parents mercilessly.

"Besides, my mother told me that when she gave birth to me, my father cried and called my grandfather outside the delivery room, saying that he was sorry, and secretly had hypodesmus when my mother was in confinement, saying that giving birth was too horrible. Ha, ha, ha, ha, he's a wuss." Niu Junjie smiled gloatingly, as happy as a lark.

He Bai looked at him sideways, remembering how he had cried outside the delivery room in his last life, whispered, "LaoSan, you are just like your father." Both of you were wuss in love.

Niu Junjie rejected and raised his voice. "No, they say I'm more like my mother! My father is a fatty, I don't want to be like him!"

He Bai shook his head and sighed. He did not explain, only made a decision silently in his mind: When the sister-in-law gave birth to the baby in this life, he must take the camera to wait outside the delivery room early and record the foolish LaoSan in the whole process, so that the sister-in-law would have something to roast about to their little LaoSan in the future.

When speaking, they had reached the door of one of the deepest rooms in the club. Niu Junjie held the door handle, turned to look at him sternly, and advised him earnestly, "This room is where my parents were engaged, nothing of the arrangement inside has been moved. XiaoBai, you have to do a good job."

He Bai seldom saw him so serious, so he got serious too. He laid aside his relaxation and solemnly answered, "OK." He brought him here on good purpose and told him things about his parents, which were so precious. He had lived for two life, the last thing he could do was to spoil the sincerity others gave to him.

Niu Junjie stared at him for three seconds and burst out laughing. He then raised his hand and patted He Bai on the shoulder, turned the doorknob and motioned him to go in, said, "We can't take out the watch for too long. You have about four hours. Come on."

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