C31. Resignation(3)

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Looking at his trusting eyes, Li Ru was reminded of the instructions from her superior. After struggling for a while, she said to him with a sigh, "He Bai, you should be able to understand the meaning of this contract. The trending topic on the Internet always changes far more quickly than we could imagine. If you could retain your current popularity, then that's a yay for all of us. If you couldn't, the company will need some insurances and a plan B to make up for what it has invested in you.

In other words, the ten-year term is to prevent the situation where you bail on the company after it props you up to fame. And if you prove to be a bad investment, then the company couldn't very well continue to pay you that well, hence the one-year probationary period. That's to say that the company would take the offer back if you fail to deliver any good result in a year and by then you could only get what you are due.

'In other words, the risks are all on me while the company reaps all the benefits.'

He Bai finally understood why Di Qiuhe's said "The big boss of the Saint Elephant is a bad guy. Think twice before you sign the employment contract." Such an unfair contract could achieve nothing other than driving people away.

"Ms. Li." He closed the contract and for the first time he refused her, "I am not stupid, and there is no way I would sign this. I appreciate your trust and the care I felt during my time in the Saint Elephant, but popularity is just too fragile a thing for me. I'd like to support myself by working hard, not by some online popularity"

Deep in her heart, Li Ru admired his attitude, but considering her position, she could only try to persuade him, "Luck is also an integrate part of one's strength. If you are not satisfied with the contract, we could talk about it. Why don't you think about it and get back to me later? There is no rush."

"Sorry," said He Bai as he pushed the contract back with a bitter smile, "Ms. Li, I am to be a junior student soon. I am only here to earn tuition. And after the incident over at the Li Hu Park, I have already seen what the company can be. Short-term cooperation is fine, but long-term cooperation is just not what I want." The offer had already been made, and if he didn't refuse it outright, he would run the risk of being seen as a snooty person living off his popularity. If the negotiation failed, the company might even come after him on the Internet. He was never an indecisive person and he thought it best to get out now.

After finishing his words, he got up and bowed to Li Ru, "Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I am sorry things don't work out the way you want. The task that the company assigned to me will be finished as soon as possible and I will email it to you. Good bye."

Hearing him mentioning the previous incident in which the company sided with Ma Xingtong, she realized He Bai had been gradually alienated from the company. As she thought about this, she felt more tired than she was sorry for the situation, Seeing that he was about to go, she hurriedly stopped him and said "You have a long way to go. There will never be a just working environment. If you insist on doing it your way, then work harder. Only when you reach the top can you enjoy the scenery. Best wishes to you."

He Bai was a bit touched. He turned around and took another bow, "Thank you, Ms. Li. I will do my best."

Seeing that, Li Ru felt a ton being lifted off her and reminded him in a subtle way, "You have gone to the Red Guest today. Many people here have seen that. I believe you were just there to give your friend fruits, but others might not think the same. The summer vacation has just begun. If you still want to find a part-time job on this street, best avoid the Red Guest.

He Bai was reminded of others' odd looks back in the company. It all made sense to him now and he found it ridiculous. After thanking her again, he turned around and left.

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