C53. Summer Cold (1)

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Lin Xia sat back immediately at the moment when He Bai said this.

The man on the other side of the phone said a few words more, and He Bai got more and more confused. He looked at Lin Xia, while trying to make sure on the phone with a slower pace, "I understood. You mean you would like to have your daughter choose her favorite set of clothes to take photos in all of the clothing series to be launched currently by Little Mermaid?"

Lin Xia frowned and her eyes were shadowed with a shade of unhappiness.

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"Yes. I've heard that Mr. He and my son Qiuhe are good friends. So if we cooperate successfully, then Qiuhe will be very happy as he loves his sister so much." Qin Li got a gentle and pleasant voice, yet she spoke in a directive tone which was usual to a superior.

He Bai saw that Lin Xia was displeased, and he guessed that Lin Xia was not quite willing to lend out the princess series. Therefore he replied in a good manner, "Mrs. Di, I and Qiuhe are indeed good friends. But I think public and private lives should always be kept separate. I am now just a photographer of the clothes of Little Mermaid, so I can't decide if the clothes should be lent out or not. Thank you for your appreciation and invitation. I will definitely convey your request honestly to the person in charge of Little Mermaid. And once there is a result the person in charge will inform you instantly. Thank you again for your love and support towards Little Mermaid. Good-bye." He hung up right after the speech and looked at Lin Xia.

Lin Xia was consoled a little bit by him, and she asked, "It was Qin Li the chairman's wife of Huangdu who wanted to borrow the Princess collection?" He Bai nodded and showed her the number on the phone.

Being in charge of a luxurious clothing brand, Lin Xia had a whole picture in mind of all the contact details of those wives from the upper class of city B. So after a glance at the last few digits of that number, she was quite sure that it was Qin Li's daily working number. She frowned and thought for a while, "I'll handle this, you don't need to care about it anymore. If she calls you again, just brush her off like before."

He Bai said yes and asked tentatively, "Then what about Mrs. Di's request to borrow the Princess collection..."

"Not gonna happen!" Lin Xia replied firmly. She then said ironically, "We have been promoting our brand for so long by saying 'unveiling the secret Princess collection upon the day we launch it.' As long as she was sane she would never have come here and made such an unreasonable request. Besides, the Princess collection is the highlight of Little Mermaid, so the company has already decided who to wear it first a long time ago. Not even I can decide it. That's why there is only one answer to her request, which is no."

He Bai was struck by thought after hearing it. He recalled the scene of Di Qiuhe falling down from the building in the last life and how Di Chunhua looked like when she cried her heart out in front of the reporters' cameras. He also recalled the cute look of Di Qiuhe eating noodles in his dormitory, and suddenly wanted to protect him. He frowned on purpose and asked her in confusion, "But Ms. Lin, why didn't Mrs. Di ask you directly if she wanted to borrow the Princess collection? Why did she call a newly-appointed photographer like me? And why did she mention the friendship between me and Di Qiuhe? What did she mean? If she wanted to seek for a favor through my friendship with Qiuhe, then she should have called him first and asked him to tell me. It would be better that way. I don't see it's making any sense the way she handled this matter. But if she just wanted to borrow the clothes and then patronize the work of Qiuhe's friend, which was me, she should also have gone to you first. She should have complimented me in front of you and then it might work. Now she went to me directly without contacting you so that I still needed to tell you about that. No matter if she could borrow it or not, I would be suspected of taking Little Mermaid as my own wardrobe and doing favors on my own will. Then you wouldn't be happy about that. This is purely sowing division between us. So what does she want for all of this?"

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