C8. Are You There?

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There were hundreds of notifications about the transaction, the majority of which had been automatically cancelled by the system due to a lack of response from the seller. He flipped through a long series of notifications that had already turned gray, and silently exclaimed at Di Qiuhe's popularity in his heart.

This person... God is rewarding me with money for a meal, huh!

Putting out the sudden flame of jealousy in his heart, he deleted the expired transaction notifications, and tried to remember where the autograph was. Feeling slightly guilty, he moved his fingers, and prepared to delete the For Sale listing.

System Reminder: The item has finished bidding. The final transaction has reached 1000 yuan. Deletion of goods will cause an automatic deduction of 5% as commission. Do you still want to proceed?

What? Someone bid on it? And they even spent 1000 yuan?

That's not right, wait a second, automatically deduct 5% as a commission fee? How are they going to deduct it? From where are they going to deduct it? Who are they deducting it from? Why are there handling fees when all you're doing is deleting a listing?

He ·Poor As Fuck· Bai clicked open the page that explained in detail the fees for transactions on the campus network with a stunned expression on his face. Ten minutes later, he went back to the campus network homepage, quickly selected Listed Goods, and looked at the both red and gorgeous looking words underneath the item that read, "Winning Bid: 1000." He clicked the button to agree to the transaction, and then quickly sent a private message to the buyer, asking for their shipping address and contact information.

He would never have thought that in order to prevent students from arbitrarily using the resources on the campus network, the school's leaders would set up so many rules and regulations for the buying and selling of goods. And people like him, who listed goods for ten days to half a month without responding to requests for transactions (people who only list goods but don't actually follow through), were the focus of these commission fees!

After waiting for several minutes without any response from the buyer, seeing that it was getting pretty late, he threw his phone under the pillow and covered his head with his blanket.

So dangerous- he almost lost one meal (with meat)'s worth of money.

At some upscale apartment complex, Di Qiuhe had just finished taking a shower before drying his hair and picking up his phone. Seeing that there was a new notification from the campus network, and two private messages, he stopped drying his hair for a moment, and then quickly threw the towel aside. His fingers hesitated before he clicked open the private messages first.

White and Whiter: Are you there?

White and Whiter: Sorry to keep you waiting for so long. The transaction was successful. Please send me your shipping address and contact information, and I will send the goods to you as soon as possible. PS: If you're a student from the North District, I can even send the goods to your door hehe. Thank you for your patronage ^-^

What do you mean "hehe?" And what's up with that smiley emoticon!

Di Qiuhe raised his eyebrows, and poked at the smiling emoticon at the end of the private message. He clicked reply, and wrote a whole bunch of words, but his fingers cramped up before he could send it out. He then even more angrily deleted everything he just wrote, and sent him a short reply with an expressionless face.

A Bird ('He' Means Crane) Born in Autumn ('Qiu' Means Autumn): I'm here.

A Bird Born in Autumn: I've already left school to do practical training, so I'm not at school. It's too late today– add my WeChat XXX to discuss the transaction in further detail. Let's talk whenever you're free. Good night.

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