C36. Shitty Memory!(2)

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Hearing what he said, Di Qiuhe grabbed He's arm tightly. His Adam's apple moved slightly, "This phone...", he said in a low voice.

"It belonged to my mum. After she and dad passed away, I continued to use it. Many daily messages of her and dad were kept in this phone, so I'd like to browse them from time to time." He Bai explained in a few words and eased Di Qiuhe's arm to comfort him again, "I conversed the screenshots of their messages into text files, so don't worry, and it's really my fault. Oh, by the way, why are you here?"

How could text files be the same as the original messages?

Di Qiuhe pulled back his hand obediently. He was glum deep inside to see He Bai trying to comfort him, bursting with various feelings and ideas that he himself could even not understand.

"I moved here and heard your voice when I passed by, so I came to you." He took the opportunity to change the topic and turned to the barbecue in the yard, "What are you doing here? Visiting your friend? And...who are you guys?"

The security who had enjoyed the "show" for a long time: "...We are nobody, just go on, please."

"Well..." Niu Junjie and the cook who supported each other in water reminded others of their presence, "Are you guys finished? Can we...get on the ground and speak?" Just now the atmosphere between He Bai and Di Qiuhe was weird, so he was not willing to interrupt them. Since their conversation was now at an end, he felt it safe to chip in.

After all, the cook was really heavy and supporting him in water almost killed his arms...

He Bai was speechless and found that he had been so absorbed with the conversation with Di Qiuhe that he forgot there were other people in the yard.... You may read the left chapter on Flying Lines (click the link below) :D

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