C13. Longevity Noodles

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A bird Born in Autumn: But I know that my father shows favoritism only on a temporary basis. When my stepmother comes back and renders a curtain-lecture, I am still regarded as an outsider in this family. After all, such things have happened multiple times.

He Bai sat straight. After a brief silence, he heaved a sigh and then weighed his words to type.

White and Whiter: it's not hard for me to obtain an autographed photograph of Di Qiuhe. If I give it to you as a present, will you feel happier?

Turning his head sideways, Di Qiuhe looked out of the window and saw Qin Li getting off the car in the yard. A breath of oppression was exhaled from his chest, which had been lingering on his mind since he returned home. With a smile on his mouth, Qiuhe fixated on his phone again and continued typing.

A bird Born in Autumn: I feel blue. Only your hug and kiss can cheer me up.

He Bai raised his eyebrows, staring at the phone screen for a long time with his face expressionless. All of a sudden, he stretched out one finger and poked hard at the keyboard.

White and Whiter: a child who shows ill temper is not a good boy. In most cases, they were just putting on a show. What they need is nothing but a thrashing.

Di Qiuhe was overwhelmed with joy instantly. To imagine the twisted expression White and Whiter had when typing that sentence insjected his body abundant energy again. Hearing the faint sound of door opening, he typed a sentence in a hurry, putting his mobile phone away, and walked over to Qin Li at the door.

Qin Li was a beautiful woman, tall and delicate. Time seemed to have given her preferential treatment, leaving her only maturity and lingering charming. Like a bottle of precious wine, the older she got, the more charm she displayed.

"You already back?" She brushed away a strand of falling hair from her ears, greeting Di Qiuhe in a gentle and natural manner, and then handed the document to him, "The vice president told me your father required your contract hastily, so I cut short the meeting to send it back. But where's your dad?"

"In Chunhua's room. She suddenly fell ill and called the family doctor over. Dad is worried about her and has been watching at her bedside". Di Qiuhe also put on a gentle disguise, took the document and replied in guilt," It's my fault. If I had not suddenly come back, she would not be angry like this. Thank you for sending me the document. Actually, you could have made others do this. Official business should come first."

"Never mind. What's more, it has nothing to do with you. Chunhua herself is excitable by temperament."Qin Li patted him on the shoulder as a way of comfort, shook her head and sighed, "I also wonder what's wrong with her. She looks so strange these days that her teachers informed me she often wrangled with her classmates recently. Her mother I am, I dare not to rule her over too hard. Teenagers tend to be overly sensitive, especially girls. I's so sorry that you are the one who suffered, Qiuhe."

Looking at her perfect-staged expression, Di Qiuhe expressed his approval to her acting skill at heart, and then wore a slightly desolate expression, answering to her after a period of silence, "It doesn't matter, Aunt Qin... But I have a suspicion that there is someone close to Chunhua having stirred up discord between her and me. Last time we went home together, she suddenly lost her temper, drove me out of the car on the way, and even declared to blacklist me. In case it irritates Dad, I didn't tell him that. Luckily, Driver Li is a clever man who disclosed nothing to Dad. "

Qin Li knit her brows slightly, shot an unobtrusive glance at the staircase on the second floor, bowed her head and drew a wisp of hair away. A surge of anger emerged on her face when she looked up again with her voice raised, "How dare she make you alight from the car? She is too willful! No wonder you came late last time and were hence scolded by your father. It is really ... Oh! It's extremely unreasonable for her to do so. Let me go upstairs and give her a piece of my mind! "

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