C47. Fake Tumble on a Level Ground (2)

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There occurred vaguely a shrill cry of a woman, but her voice was completely unclear to He Bai. All of the sudden, he suffered weightlessness, and his brain released a wake-up message. In the last picture, a bony man in a multicolored shirt appeared from the street corner with a needle-like thing in his hand, and rushed towards a tall man standing in front of the green grocery.

"Di Qiuhe!"

He Bai opened his eyes and sat up, and his mind was in a whirl. He suffered a blackout, his fingers fumbling around under the pillow for the mobile phone. No sooner did his sight recover a little than he dialed Di's number.

He got through immediately, and Di Qiuhe's joyful sound came, mixed with whistles of vehicles, "Why do you call me so early? Do you miss me? I thought you would sleep in."

"Di Qiuhe." He Bai pressed his forehead, every scene in the dream crossing his mind over again. His voice unconsciously lowered, "Where... where did you buy the fruit you sent me before?"

"Are you craving for fruit?" Di Qiuhe raised his eyebrows and switched the mobile phone from one hand to the other in good mood. He gestured for Wang Boyi to step back a little and continued, "I have no training today, and I'm in the open air. If you would like fruit I can go buy for you in a moment."

"No, I wouldn't." He Bai swallowed hard and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, only to find his temperature was somewhat abnormal. He got sick probably because the air-conditioning of the resort worked all the time and he stayed up late to retouch the photographs when the temperature was sometimes hot and sometimes cold, He Bai suspected. He felt uncomfortable and covered his forehead with a hand, saying, "Do you remember what I told you once? I can tell people's fortune and have predictive dreams occasionally. Last night I dreamed of you..."

Di Qiuhe couldn't help but raise his mouth, smugly snorting, "Okay, I know you miss me very much. I'm free today, so if you want something, I'll buy you, my little bro..."

"Does the green grocery where you bought fruit call Cloud's Home?"

Di Qiuhe became silent.

"Its owner is pretty fat and wears a gold ring on his finger. There's a tree in front of the shop." He Bai tried to recall the dream and revealed everything what he could. He had no idea why he was so reckless to tell Diu Qiuhe this. After all, it sounded highly suspicious, and he was likely to be regarded as a spirit by Di Qiuhe if they were right. If not, he might be considered a madman. Both could do harm to He Bai, but intuition told him he had to be honest. Otherwise, Di Qiuhe would be in danger, just like his 'jumping from a building' before rebirth.

Di Qiuhe was only twenty-three years old, and he deserved to live longer than his last life. He Bai felt that the dream he had last night was a signal. There occurred a 'butterfly effect', and he played the role of the small butterfly in Di Qiuhe's border trip. If he died young owing to this small change, He Bai would never forgive himself.

There was complete silence, and nothing could be heard except their sounds of breath.

"Bai," Two minutes later, Di Qiuhe's voice came when his tone was no longer gentle and smiling but became serious "What else have you seen in your dream?"

He Bai was relieved somehow. He reclined in the bed and quickly replied, "I also see you stood in front of the green grocery when a boney man in a colorful shirt dashed out of the corner and injected you with something."

"It's supposed to be virus."


"There have been several cases where XK23 infectors injected their blood into other people's body to spread the virus on purpose. The crowd stole across the national border from our neighboring countries, whose whereabouts were hard to find. So the isolation treatment didn't work at the very beginning, and it caused a great deal of panic in the area." He Bai was shocked. He hurriedly sat up and suffered a second blackout. His voice raised unconsciously, "XK23? Is it the virus which has an 80 percent fatality rate? Since you're so clear, why are you running around? Aren't you afraid of death?"

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