C90. Villa Resort (3)

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He Bai floundered to dodge.

They made a noise until He Bai's face got tense from laughing. Di Qiuhe then took a cold bath in a sour face.

After breakfast, He Bai saw that Di Qiuhe showed no sign of packing up and leaving. He couldn't help asking, "You are not going to find your grandfather? Judging from their conversation, it seems that they are scheming something."

"I've sent someone over there." Di Qiuhe searched out a horror film and clicked on the Play, and signaled the place beside. "Come here, let go everything messy when we're on vacation."

He Bai climbed over and doubted, "Is it messy?"

"Yeah." Di Qiuhe remained unmoved and there was no joy of knowing his grandfather's whereabouts. "My grandfather was a tough investor who enjoyed freedom. Thus he was sick of my mother for fettering him. Afterwards, he entrusted his child to the care of his friend after my grandmother died of illness. He paid them on a regular basis and pursued his free and easy travel around the world."

He Bai: "..." That was definitely a father beyond evaluation.

"My father's father, or say grandpa, was the one who took my mom in. When my mom grew up and married my dad, my grandfather cut off contact with my family once and for all." Di Qiuhe explained peacefully, added, "Depending on my grandfather's sufficient funds, my grandpa was finally able to set up Huangdu in the first place. Thus I wholly understand my father's fear of me and hatred of my mother. Seriously speaking, Huangdu was co-founded by Di and Fan family, and I'm one of Fan."

He Bai frowned.

"Although my grandfather was not the responsible type, he was truly open-minded about money and willing to spend money on his daughter, whose dowry was utterly generous, let alone the sumptuous wedding ceremony. And that's one of the reasons why Qin Li is jealous. She was an unmarried pregnant concubine when coming to my family. Neither she nor my father did dare to have a wedding, nor my grandpa allow it."

The horror film was playing, but no one was watching.

He Bai sorted out the information he got and asked, "What does Qin Li want to do now through entrusting her, oh, her old lover to trace your grandfather?"

"As I said, my grandfather was a great investor." Di Qiuhe looked at He Bai and pointed to the face. "He was rich and not begrudged to spend money on his children. But he was ignorant of when my mother gave birth to me, what I look like, or the news that my mother died long ago or Di Bian and Qin Li are couple now. I'm so much like my mother. Whereas Di Xiasong looks like Di Bian. What do you think my grandfather will do if Di Xiasong pretended to be me to visit my grandfather?

"Transfer the possession of all his property to the grandchildren he has never met." He Bai replied, then collapsed in the Lazy Sofa and sighed, "Zeng Peizhong said that your grandfather was a bit dateless...Holy shit. Then they could do whatever as they pleased."

"That's why I called you a grateful spirit from nowhere, who brings me unexpected pleasure." Di Qiuhe stretched out his hand to catch hold of He Bai's bathrobe belt again, squinted at the screen playing horror film while his thoughts drifting away. Finally he murmured, "I thought my grandfather had died in a remote beautiful country...That will be fine. He's been free all his life, and it's time to let him know, in those irresponsible years he had spent, what had his only daughter that the woman he loved gave birth to had experienced.

He Bai looked at him sideways, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder for comfort.

Everything about Fan Da seemed to be just an episode that they forget about minutes later. They were still on vacation mode by means of watching the film, reading books and enjoying hot springs.

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