C85. Fxxk... (2)

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Di Qiuhe's facial expression and his whole body froze, daring not to move, and stuttered, "You, what are you doing?"

He Bai sneered, put his palm on Di's waist as soon as lifting Di's shirt. Then, after sensing a sudden quiver in his hand, he bent his fingers and scratched Di, weighting his body to bump against Di aside, and finally he was on top. He sneered, "Is there any connection between muscle and power? How dare you to tease me, Childish Di. I'm afraid that you have no idea about what you're up against!

Looking upward to downward, He Bai's small Adam's apple seemed to be right under his nose, to the extent that he could kiss He Bai whenever he got up slightly. He Bai's hand was lingering in his body, and their legs were intimately contacted...Di Qiuhe's ears were flushed first, and then extended to neck and cheeks.

To avoid being detected by He Bai, Di swiftly counter-restrained He Bai, who then lied upon his stomach and was pressed at back to keep him from turning over. Then Di lifted He Bai's skirt, touching his waist with a reserved scratch, and retorted, "I think it's you that will beg for mercy today."

He Bai struggled to get free and intended to launch a backhand attack. Then he protested. "You fool, I'm not ticklish, let me go!"

He Bai's skin was smooth and warm, and soft for lack of exercise, which was totally different from Di's stiff muscles. Di was almost choked before he realized that he had to stop before it was too late. However, lust and desire drove him to stretch his hand in again, then grasped the thin waist and kneaded instinctively.


He Bai gave a sudden low scolding while his body quivered.

Di Qiuhe froze as he was conscious of something. He tenderly pinched where he had just grasped.


He Bai grunted, trapped in bed feebly. But a few seconds later, he struggled even more. His ears, which could be seen, were reddish, and his intonation revealed that he was ashamed into anger. "Childish Di, let me go! Mercy!"

Di Qiuhe was really getting in the mood by He Bai's soft breath and muffled hum, then he noticed that his cock was about to get erected. Thus he pulled the quilt over He Bai's head. After that, he got up promptly, rushed into the bathroom and locked himself inside.

"Asshole Childish Di!" He Bai snatched the quilt off ashamedly, making his way to the entrance of the bathroom, then slammed the door and cursed in rage, "What are you hiding from? Are you playing tricks while shedding off your responsibility? Even a three-year-old knows to apologize for wrongdoing, you're 23 years old! Do you have a backbone?"

"What have I done?" asked Di Qiuhe in the interval of washing face with cool water.

"You touch! Pooh! You almost dragged me to the ground!" He Bai could not help rubbing and kneading his waist of some pleasant sensation, blushed and gritted his teeth.

Damn it! Two lifetimes had he finally knew that his sensitivity area was on his waist!

As if he could still feel the soft skin, Di Qiuhe rubbed his fingers, noticing that his cock was getting hard again. Thus he plunged his head in the cold water, and pretended to be calm and retorted, "But I got you."

How could the asshole talk back for his mistake!

He Bai found it both funny and annoying. He reached out and twisted the door's handle, and shouted, "Get out! Shall it offset your wrongdoing? Out and fight!"

"I had a busy day on the set, and it's uncomfortable to soak in sweat. I need a bath." Di Qiuhe was unmoved.

Then He Bai sneered. "Me too! I had a long and arduous journey, and I was tainted with sorts of smells. Anyway, open the door!"

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