C11. Milk Tea

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'Don't blame me. You had it coming.' With this thought, He Bai reached out his hands and held them above Di Qiuhe's.

"Well, you should return my school card."

With a serious look on his face, Di Qiuhe looked down at the tinny hands that were considerably smaller than his. That man was indeed the 'pup'arazzi that people said he was. He had little dimples and tiny hands and was half a head shorter than him.

He Bai was led to believe that he had outwitted him after getting no reply. With his dimples deepened, he withdrew his hand and said with a low voice, "Film Emperor, this squabble between us will take us nowhere. Let's call it even, shall we?"

"Call it even?" said Di Qiuhe with his eyebrows raised, not afraid of shining his true colors. He shook his head in protest, saying "No, never."

He Bai froze a bit as their eyes met. The odd feeling that he had vaguely experienced in the alley that day was once again raging and had become clearer than ever to the extent that it could no longer be ignored.

His gentle eyes remained unchanged, but the look on his face, the tone of his reply and the relaxed way he posed himself were all too foreign to him.... With a twitch of his eyebrow, he unconsciously squeezed the tea cup, "Film Emperor, it doesn't suit you to behave like this. You want to be careful with how you carry yourself in public, gotta stick to your image." 'Where have his tenderness and gentlemanly manners gone? Are those all just facades? It's no wonder that this guy always looks odd. It turns out that all the tenderness and amiability are staged. The truth is, he is a mean bastard! Last time we saw each other, he acted like a Film Emperor. Why is he acting so frivolously this time? Has he given up on himself because he is being blacklisted?' thought He Bai.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Di Qiuhe's energetic eyes typical of the young people and sighed with great mercy. He chose not to hold it against this young man and lowered his head to take out 500 yuan from his wallet. He placed the money onto Di's hand which was still there motioned to ask the autograph back and said with an honest tone, "The truth is, I have sold your autograph for 1000 yuan. Here, this is half of it. Your share. Don't give up just yet. Whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Your autograph will be worth 10000 yuan soon enough."

'... He is not playing by the book,' thought Di Qiuhe.

"Keep up the good work." said He Bai. Wearing an amiable smile of a kind elder, He Bai patted Di's shoulder and stuck a sticker in the shape of little red flower, which he had taken out from a filming prop kit when he was going through the formalities for his first day on the job, onto his chest. He gave a few pats on Di's chest and nodded in satisfaction, "Well, look at that. It suits you. Being blacklisted is not the end of the world. The game is not over until you give up. You must always keep up a fighting spirit. Go, go embrace your bright future!" After finishing these words, he turned Di Qiuhe around and pushed him two steps away out from the line.

After being pushed out of the line, Di Qiuhe felt a sudden tightness on the part of chest where he was patted. He looked down at his chest with his eyebrows knit as he was also experiencing a sense of joy somehow....Click the external link to read the whole chapter 11 ↓

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