C56. He was Screwed (1)

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The day before the press conference of the Little Mermaid, the heat in regard to Di Chunhua's disclosure online had faded drastically under the instruction of Di Bian. The Netizen's attention can be diverted by some other hot topics, then everything concerned would be left behind. But that very night, Di Chunhua went online to compete for Darwin Award. To everyone's surprise, she posted a Weibo, accusing He Bai of not making a clear distinction between company and his personal interests, alleging He of being instigated by Di Qiuhe to take no pictures of the Little Mermaid's main collection for her. Besides, she warned He not to be triumphant, and such rags were only for beggars. No big deal to her at all! Anyone who disgraced her should be doomed!

The post was deleted within just five minutes, however, the tactful netizen had taken screenshot.

Netizen one: How can Photographer He be involved in the affair? Miss, are you trying to divert our attention? How could it be possible that a company's photographer in charge of clothes lending matters. Photographer He was made a scapegoat. Are you ashamed? Come on. No one knew that you were refused to borrow the clothes if you don't tell, okay?

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Netizen two: The Little Mermaid has been publicizing for a long time, addressing that the Princess collection will be unveiled on the very day of the press conference. How could you ask them to lend you the garments before that day? You may take it for granted that everyone else should spoil you like your mother. They just did a right thing. How could it be blamed on Di Qiuhe, as does He Bai. How could they always run into fool and be such a scapegoat.

Netizen three: Rags? For beggars? I'm afraid that Miss Di may put on gold on a daily basis. I hope you keep your words that never ever wear Little Mermaid's clothes afterwards.

The ironic comments came one after another and were connected to the Little Mermaid.

Shortly afterwards, Yi Ka apparel made an official statement, explaining the process of borrowing clothes, and then thanked Di Chunhua for her affection and support for the Little Mermaid, retrieving the Di family's reputation in a gentle manner, so as not to an awkward extent to both sides.

Unexpectedly, Di Chunhua looked for trouble once again. She posted a new one saying that her account had been usurped, and the last post was not sent by her.

Netizen: ...You treat us like fool?

If you have made a reasonable explanation from taking advantage of Yi Ka's statement, you'll get over it smoothly. How dare you give us such a stupid excuse to fool us all. Are you trying to give a slap in Yi Ka's face who had just spoke for you, or to destroy your family's reputation?

"That's true! My account was usurped! Which bitch did it to me!" Di Chunhua screamed and smashed her new mobile phone one more time.

With her face as calm as water, Qin Li was thinking over every single possibilities. But the more she thought about it, the more irritated she became.

She had sent someone to investigate Di Bian, but there was no clue. If Di Bian did usurp Chunhua's account, what did he do that for? She had done everything he wished, such as, letting the Qin family to be tractable by stopping making trouble in Huangdu. By this time, Di Bian had gradually come around and changed his mind. . . No, it couldn't be Di Bian. Although he put interests as the paramount, he still loved both his son and daughter on the premise that the interests could be ensured.

As such a big company, Yi Ka apparel shall never offend her, one of its major clients, for a few Weibo posts sent by her daughter. Thus those Weibo posts will not lead to any substantial damage to Chunhua except for a few more scolds.

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