C16 - The First Time

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There were two sets of photos in the box. One was signed under the name of Di Qiuhe, and the other Childish Di.

With a frown, He Bai collected the photos signed with the name Di Qiuhe in a rage. After that, he bought a new box for those photos and also put in the ones he had once edited. Then, after he had the photos delivered, he sent the buyer a WeChat message, thanking him for the birthday message.

Rather than receiving an immediate response, as was the case last time, he waited for two minutes before putting down his phone. Then, he picked up his phone and put it into his drawer.

After all was done, he finally felt a little bit refreshed. Moreover, having only a few lessons in the afternoon allowed him to review them in advance. With that done, he then turned on his computer to download the new tasks from Saint Elephant Studio.

This time the Saint Elephant didn't sent him as many photos as before. There were only five sets, each containing six photos, and he was expected to finish them in a week.

All the photos were portraits. Out of five people in those photos, three of them being males and two females, there were two that looked familiar to He Bai. After a while of painstaking memory-searching, he remembered that those two were the up-and-coming hosts of the local TV station of B city. However, right now they were just a couple of new hosts of the TV station.

He then picked out six photos, all featuring one particular person. He zoomed in on that person with the help of Photoshop, and all the while his mind started to wander off.

It's no wonder that Li Ru would promise him such a high commission. It turned out that the Saint Elephant was cooperating with the TV station of B city. As far as he knew, though the local TV station was not as prestigious as the Central Station, it was nonetheless high on the ranking list with good resources and political support. The most important was that the local TV station would recommend excellent hosts to the Central Station from time to time, so it was usually the preferred choice for most new hosts.

He remembered that Liu Huanhuan, LaoSan's ex-girlfriend, was also signed by the TV station after pulling a lot of strings... But Liu Huanhuan didn't last long there and resigned early. After being off the radar for a few years, she married a divorced rich man with a record of domestic violence. In her most desperate times, she once went back for LaoSan, which almost caused his wife to break up with him.

Thinking about the old-time gossips didn't slow down what he was doing. He skillfully removed some obvious flaws on the photos and readjusted their overall tones. He also zoomed in on the people for more detailed editing and then edited them again so that the people in those photos wouldn't look out of place with the backgrounds. After all was done, he clicked save and have them exported. Whenever he had an inspiration, he would also make an extra version that was more to his aesthetic taste.

It took him three days to finish all the tasks. Then he sent those edited photos to Li Ru to look over so as to make sure that they were approved before e-mailing them to the company. With all done, he then asked Li Ru for next week's tasks.

Li Ru was satisfied with the high-quality photos as well as the speed with which he carried out the task and was rather impressed by that extra version of the photos he made. She encouraged him to edit more and be more creative in his future works. Meanwhile, she ordered three weeks' worth of works to be assigned to him all at once and generously offered to help him with this month's bonus.

He Bai listened to the commendation carefully, and then, in his moment of joy, blacklisted Di Qiuhe who kept texting him while he was editing!

At the weekend, Di Qiuhe came to Red Guest again, looking through the script with an absent-minded face.

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