C12. I Feel Blue

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Di Qiuhe knew that Di Bian couldn't see his expression at this time, so he continued to make no secret of his taunting in his eyes, while on the other hand he talked to Di Chunhua gently, "Chunhua, please clam down, great anger is bad for your health."

"Shut up!" Di Chunhua screamed.

"You should shut up!" Di Bian became angrier due to Di Chunhua's undisguised command and despise attitude towards Di Qiuhe. Thinking of her good behavior in the past, Di Bian feels buzzing in his head and has splitting headache. He shouts, "apologize to your brother, right now!"

Di Qiuhe reached out to Di Chunhua at the right time, and appeased her, "Chunhua, I do not blame you. Don't be angry. You are in poor health, don't get emotional."

"Get away from me. You are insincere!" Di Chunhua hit his hand away without thinking.

Di Qiuhe almost couldn't help laughing. He lowered his head for a while and pressed down his mood. Then, he stood up and faced Di Bian. He pulled his clothes which was wet by tea, said with a forced smile, "Dad, is my room still there? I want to change my clothes. Do not blame Chunhua. She is just joking. After all, there is even worse saying outside. Because she is still young, so she may be influenced by those rumors outside."

'How shall be it a joke by calling you bastard? What do you mean of even worse saying outside?' thought Di Bian.

Di Bian looked at his little daughter who became a stranger to him because of her face of rage; meanwhile, he looked at his eldest son who was forcing a smile and hadn't been home for a long time. He felt that some of his understanding was faintly crumbling.

His daughter who was clever and obedient in front of him abused her brother by shouting and commanding behind his back without scruple. The disgust in her voice was so deep. It was obvious that it was more than just throwing a fit. If this was the real attitude of his daughter toward his eldest son, was the brother-sister moment in the past fake?

"Qiuhe, what happened to your clothes?" He asked with an angry face, suppressing his agitating mood.

Di Qiuhe took one step forward and stood in the front of Di Chunhua, and replied briefly, "I just accidentally knocked the cup over. Dad, don't worry."

Di Bian glanced at Di Qiuhe's gesture of protecting Di Chunhua, and he felt his heart was blocked with a stone. He paused and tried to soften his tone of voice, "You can go upstairs to change your clothes first." Then, he looked at Di Chunhua who was just coming out from the back of Di Qiuhe with a expression full of discontent, said with heavy tone on purpose, "As long as I live, you shall have your room in this house!"

Di Chunhua was stunned, and the dissatisfaction on her face was replaced by astonishment quickly. She demanded, "Dad, what do you mean?" 'Mom finally forced the bastard to renounce his inheritance. What Dad is doing will put all Mom's efforts into nothing.' thought herself.

'Look at her attitude and tone. I was just saying that for test. Unexpectedly......' Di Bian closed his eyes. Then he looked at her again and asked, "What do you think my meaning is?"

It was the first time for Di Chunhua to be gazed by her father with this kind of inquisitive and dark look. She was surprised and realized that she was too complacent in her previous behavior, so she concealed all her dissatisfactions quickly and ran to her father. She lowered her head and talked fawningly, pulling his arm, "Dad, I have been at home these days. Brother seldom comes home, but he has been playing mobile phone and ignored me. I went angry, feeling neglected, so I said the wrong words. Sorry, I am not intentional."

The coquetry that used to soften his heart easily suddenly was colored with new meaning now. The daughter was fifteen years old and no longer a girl who did not understand anything. Di Bian looked at his eldest son who had been standing there calmly without any argument, and looked at two cups on the tea table, one full and one empty. He pulled down his daughter's hand slowly and said, "Chunhua, please go to your room for rest. Qiuhe, follow me to the study room."

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