C64. Drinking Three Cups of Wine as Punishment (3)

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Getting no reply from Di Qiuhe, Niu Junjie sneaked a look at He Bai who was concentrating on study and scratched his hair out of frustration.

One wanted to apologize. The other was still in rage and not in a mood for reconciliation. How to fix that?

After escorting the doctor to the door, Di Qiuhe took a sip of water delivered by his assistant, and then asked, "How are things over there at the set?"

"Director Jiang lost his temper, scolding the crew in charge of properties and fired them". Assistant An stood in front of him nervously and replied in a flattering way.

Di Qiuhe nodded as a reply. Then he put down the water bottle and said, "Let's go. Back to the set."

Assistant An froze for a second and swept a look at his wrapped, wounded arm. "But, your injury... Director Jiang said the following scenes are all action-intensive ones. Your arm was wounded. We could put off the shooting, so you can have a rest for two days."

"No." Di Qiuhe waved his hand and said casually with a move of his arm. "It's not a big deal. I am the lead actor. If I call one day off, I will slow down the shooting progress. I can't do that."

Assistant An persisted, "Why not? The director said so himself that you could take a break..."

"I don't want to rest." Di Qiuhe cast a sideways glance at her and said with a determined tone. "Assistant An, I know that you care about me. Thank you for that, but I don't want to repeat myself."

Assistant An took a step back the moment she met with Di's emotionless eyes. Then she bowed her head and said, "Sorry, sorry."

Di Qiuhe looked away and strode out.

It just so happened that Wang Boyi came back with a list and he was struck dumb when he saw Di Qiuhe coming out with a poker face. Then he swept a look at assistant An who was right behind Di. With a twitch of eyebrows, he quickly looked away. When Di Qiuhe approached him, he quickly turned around and tried to catch up with him. He said while walking, "Mr. Di, I have all the things you want. Do you need to send them right away?"

Upon hearing that, Di Qiuhe's face softened a bit, but he shook his head and said, "No. Bring me a recorder pen and a notepad later. I have other things to send."

Wang Boyi nodded, then he looked back at the assistant An who was right on their heels and sighed inwardly.

The next day, He Bai ran into the courier when he went out for lunch and signed for a big box and other two small boxes.

"I guess the big box is stuffed with fruits." Holmes Niu said while rubbing his chin, then shouted at Wang Hu and Chen Jie, "Brothers, move this box to the dorm! We have enough deserts for this week. Let's thank Bai for sharing this with us!"

Wang Hu and Chen Jie looked at each other and shouted at the same time, " Bai, Thank you for this!" After saying that, they suddenly burst into laughter over something and move the box to the dorm as quickly as they could like they had never eaten fruits before.

He Bai: "..."

A classmate saw this while passing by and murmured in jealousy, "Look at this. Someone's definitely got a sugar daddy. If not, how could you explain these. Why did he always disappear at weekends. How could he afford fancy outfits and new cameras all of a sudden. And now, he even receives gifts every day......Pooh, disgusting toy boy."

He Bai fixed his eyes on him looking emotionless and said, "Why not say it out loud? Huang Wei, do you really think your post will stay anonymous forever? You spread rumors about me. Aren't you afraid the counselor would come to you?"

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