C49. Fake Tumble on a Level Ground (4)

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"Yes, he is. It seems to be caused by the alternation of heat and cold, that is to say, air conditioning sickness. Fortunately, his temperature has come down. He has gone for a pee." Niu Junjie explained it to Di Qiuhe and kept rattling on, "I am ready to move back to our dorm and stay for several days. Bai always forgets to take medicine, so he's getting better slowly. Other two roommates aren't here, one in the countryside and the other, abroad. Neither can be counted upon, so I have to take care of him. By the way, have you seen the news online? Bai is a celebrity now, Ha-Ha. When you're back, how about we go out for a meal to celebrate?"

Di Qiuhe looked at his arm, on which there was a pretty small bruise. Thinking of He Bai's slightly hoarse voice during the morning call, he leaned to the wall and heaved a silent sign, his shoulder drooped. "Sure. Let's enjoy ourselves when I'm back. Please take care of Bai and make sure he takes medicine on time." Aware that Bai's voice was quite abnormal before, Di Qiuhe opinionatedly believed that it was because he woke up just now. He also felt the sleepy voice so cute...

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He was a pretty awful friend.

Diu Qiuhe raised his hand to massage his forehead. He said several words and hung up before He Bai came over. He looked at the time and calculated the distance from his location to B City when an impetuous idea crossed his mind.

Wang Boyi finished his reporting and was ready to buy some food for Di Qiuhe when his master pushed the door open and ran out, giving a command, "Book a ticket for me. I'm going back to B City!"

"Hm?" Wang Boyi caught him up in haste, utterly baffled, "But you have a training tomorrow, dear master. And the police will come at any time..."

"You stay here to deal with them. I'm coming back in the evening and won't miss training." Di Qiuhe pressed the elevator button, "I'm going to the green grocery for some fruit. Book me a flight. We'll meet at the airport very soon. Be quick." After saying this, he strode into the elevator and pressed the switch, leaving Wang Boyi outside.

Wang Boyi: "..." If he had no idea that Master Di was single and had no intimate friend of the other sex, he would have thought Di Qiuhe was about to court a lass thousand miles away...

Having a hurried meal outside, Niu Junjie drove He Bai to campus, murmuring, "There're someone cooking and washing clothes for us in my house. I don't know why you insist on coming back. Even staying in a hotel is better than living in the school. Here you have to go to the boiler room when you would like a cup of hot water."

"Your parents have come back. How could I bother them when I'm sick?" He Bai explained, and then said, "My fever has gone. I'm feeling well. There's no need for you to look after me. Besides, your quilt isn't aired, and your sheet is still dirty. How could you sleep on it? Go straight home later to keep your parents company, will you?"

Niu Junjie kept silent in disapproval... But it didn't work. He Bai urged him towards the car and drove him to return home. Unfortunately, he forgot to bring the key to his dorm, thus unable to go in.

"The other two will read you a lecture when they come back!" Niu Junjie said indignantly. He bought a large bunch of food and requested the housemaster to give them to He Bai. After that, he drove home with a long face.

Watching Niu Junjie's car running far away, He Bai smiled, went downstairs and fetched things from the housemaster. Then he took the Thermos flask, heading for the boiler room. The water dispenser downstairs broke down, while no maintenance worker would provide home service during the holiday.

The sun blazed down, while He Bai didn't feel hot at all. He strolled along, with a full flask in his hand.

"Little Puppy."

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