C2. Autograph

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The taxi turned a corner, and disappeared from view.

He Bai wiped his face, was silently depressed for about a minute, and then raised his camera once more.

The little girl had already been led away by her mother, so he changed his orientation and pointed the camera at an old couple holding hands walking in his direction.

The light was just right, the dark orange and blue colors of the old couples' coats forming an effect that would let people's eyes light up when they saw it.

Perfect. When the couple walked to the door of the tailor shop with an old-fashioned color scheme, he could press down on the shutter.

One, two... right now!

Ka-cha, the picture was taken right when a light blue taxi stopped in front of him, occupying his line of vision.

He closed his eyes forcefully, putting down the camera.

The car door opened, and a pair of long legs in jeans stepped out.

"Di, Qiu, He." He Bai gritted his teeth. It was this guy again! The photograph he had taken before his rebirth was ruined by this guy, and now the first and second photographs he had taken after his rebirth were ruined by this guy too. Did he offend this guy or something?

Di Qiuhe turned his head towards the sound, and took one look at him before moving his line of sight towards the sidewalk. He picked up something that had fallen on the ground and stuffed it into his pocket. He suddenly paused, walked in front of He Bai, took out a notebook, and pulled out a pen to write something on it. Then, he ripped out the page in the notebook, and bent over to stuff it into his arms, "Squatting on the side of the road isn't safe. I'm not going to come back here anymore, so you should go back home." After saying this, he used his long legs to walk back to the taxi, and sprayed He Bai with another face of car exhaust.

He Bai: "... " **!

Using the fastest speed possible to finish his homework, he went back to school. He first went to the equipment management office to return the camera, and then took the memory card to an off-campus internet cafe.

After taking him a while to remember the details of the email address that he had used in college, he clicked open a browser to look up his email. When the page popped up he cracked his knuckles and put on an expressionless face to use words full of emotion to send Professor Xu an email full of flattery, repentance, assurance, and appeal, talking about his troubles and how in the future this would not happen again. After attaching the compressed file, he pressed send.

After doing all of this, he opened another browser, hesitated for a moment, before typing in the three words "Di Qiuhe" into the search bar. The page loaded again, he moved his mouse, and clicked open the first Baike page. [T/N: Chinese Wikipedia]

Di Qiuhe, male, twenty-three years old. An artist at Huangdu, he debuted three years ago in a group act without much fame for around a year and a half until he went solo. In the first half of last year, he acted in a low budget mystery TV drama as the second male lead, which launched him into the public eye. In the second half of last year, he won the leading role in Director Jia Sheng's end of year production《Rouge Tears》, which led him to receive the Thousand Flower Award for Best Male Lead in the beginning of this year, sitting on the seat of Film Emperor for the first time, and leading him to bathe in the limelight.

Recalling the photograph that he had taken prior to his rebirth, he closed the page with a complicated mood. He took out the autograph that Di Qiuhe had given him from the pocket on his chest, opened the campus network, clicked open the For Sale section, and then posted a picture of the signature, setting the price to start at ten yuan.

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