C4. White And Whiter

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Di Qiuhe stopped, and then turned around to look at him. The corners of his mouth raised in a gentle and harmless manner, with his voice very low, sounding very seductive in the small alleyway, "Reading my fortune?"

Why do he feel like this guy's tone was a little strange... He Bai unconsciously took a step back, and suddenly regretted calling him back. He didn't know what was wrong with him today- his long, unbeating heart of compassion just started to crazily beat and start to overflow, and this was towards a man that he had only seen in person twice. These kinds of actions were not in line with the way he usually handled things, but... He rubbed at his camera, looking at the young face of the other person that was just in the springtime of his youth, and remembered that arm that was behind the window curtain. He sighed in his heart, nodded, and answered, "Yes, I want to read your fortune." He really couldn't bear to let such a brilliant person leave this world just because of a conspiracy. Just let this be his way of thanking the other person for filming so many amazing works of art, letting him kill all of his free time during those boring vacation days.

Di Qiuhe took another look at his face, pinched the ID card in his pocket, and then slowly walked back again, "What are you going to look at? My career, my fortune, or my lovelife?"

"No, I'm going to read your lifeline." He Bai got rid of any extra emotions, and tried to look as mysterious and profound as possible as he studied him from top to bottom. He started to try and trick him by saying, "When I was young, I lived near a Daoist Temple. I was lucky enough to learn about reading the fate of other people from an old Daoist priest. Just now, what I said about you becoming an extremely powerful big Film Emperor and starting your own company was all true- it's all written on your face."

Di Qiuhe raised his hands to touch his face, "There's something written on my face?"

That's right, it says two words- premature death.

He Bai rubbed at his camera again, and continued to trick him by saying, "Your facial features are honest, the area in between your eyebrows is large and wide. This means that you were born in a very wealthy family, and that you should have a lot of good fortune in your life. However, your lips are slightly thin, and there's a mole on your ear. This means that there's also flaws to your family life- it's not a happy one. Also, the dip above your lips is clear, you have a fair countenance, and you have a tall nose bridge. This means that in the future, you will definitely be someone who will be both rich and noble, but..."

Di Qiuhe very helpfully prompted him by asking, "But, what?"

"But the middle of your face gives a sense of brokenness. I'm afraid that you will face misfortune in middle-age." After He Bai finished putting together this mysterious and powerful facade, in order to increase his credibility, he even put on a very solemn expression to walk around him in a circle. He raised his hands to do some weird motions to simulate reading his fortune, sighed, and said, "This misfortune is very dangerous. If you are able to get through it, you will have a successful, rich, and worry-free life. But if you can't..."

"What will happen?" Di Qiuhe's expression and tone were all very calm. It seemed like the person that He Bai was talking about wasn't him.

"You will die young." Finally saying the main point, He Bai unconsciously relaxed a little, and sped up what he was going to say next, "Your misfortune will come when you are thirty-five years old. It has to do with a woman and a high place. The direction of the misfortune is southeast. Okay, that's all I had to say. If we are fated, let's meet again." Everything that he needed to say, he already finished saying it. If he kept on speaking, he would end up revealing something he shouldn't be revealing, so he was going to leave first.

When Di Qiuhe saw that he was leaving, he quickly pressed down on his shoulder to stop him from going. With a quick eye and a fast hand, and with eyes that held a sincere smile, he said, "Are you going to leave just like that? You're not even going to tell me how to escape this misfortune, or send me something to protect me, and then leave your contact information?"

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