C26. Three-in-one(4)

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There was a somber look lingering on Di Bian's face. He patted Di Qiuhe's shoulder, loosed Di Qiuhe and led him to the sofa, and sighed, "I did not expect this either......It is my fault that I brought such a threat to the Empire. If it is a misunderstanding, it's all right, but if it is not......Qiuhe, I need your help."

Di Qiuhe looked at Di Bian putting on a look of kind father, he sneered in his heart, but showed admiration on his face, "Go ahead, as long as I can help, I will do my best."

Di Bian looked at him with a moving face and sighed, "You are still as sensible as you were little, like your mother......Now, the board of directors of Empire is mostly controlled by the Qin family. I can do nothing about the things you are stigmatized even I want to help you. But you can rest assured that when those activities of espionage in the board of directors are pulled out, I will help you to revenge."

"Thanks, Dad." Di Qiuhe's got somewhat discomposed with his eyes turning red, and then asked, "You come out to see me today, what did Aunt Qin say? By the way, Chunhua did not feel well suddenly when I left home last time, is she getting better now? Xiasong studies abroad, does everything go well with him? Did my bad rumors influence them?"

Di Bian looked at him helplessly, "Kid, you are in trouble now, yet you still care about them. Don't worry. No one knows that I come to see you. Qiuhe, are you really going to leave B city?"

Di Qiuhe nodded and made a forced smile, "That's the best solution. The information that I am your son has spread out. Any of my bad rumors may affect you, and further affect Huangdu. It is not what I want to see. Uncle Jiang has a movie and he asks me to be the hero. I have good relationship with Xiuwen, so I cannot refuse. It is good for me to shoot a movie and avoid the current trouble as well."

These words were really what Di Bian cared. Recently, Huangdu was turbulent due to the exposure of Di Qiuhe's identity. Furthermore, Qin family made more trouble in the company. Di Bian could hardly cope with all these troubles. If Di Qiuhe chose to leave of his own accord at this time, it was no doubt the best solution to stabilize the current situation.

"I feel sorry for you. Now, you do not have the support from the company, you must find it inconvenient when you shoot film outside. I will arrange two assistants for you. Then, it will be easier for you." Di Bian resorted to "carrot policy", and then spoke to the main topic, "Now, Chunhua and Xiasong have grown up. Your Aunt Qin is more ambitious under the brainwash of Qin family. She does not think deeply. Huangdu will belong to Chunhua, Xiasong and you in future anyway. Meanwhile, you are not a person with aggressive personality. Except for disappointing the members of our family, what she can get by doing this?"

Di Qiuhe stepped forward anxiously, "Dad, don't be sad. Aunt Qin is just muddleheaded temporarily. She must be tempted and cheated by the Qin family to pay marketing account to slander me and play a dirty trick in my apartment. After I am gone, she will be fine."

"If only it were as easy as you say." Di Bian sighed and turned around to get a few documents in his briefcase and put them in front of Di Qiuhe. He paused and said, "Qiuhe, as you know, Huangdu is no longer the place that I can control by myself alone. I am powerless, and sad......There are some proposals. You can take it and study. When you are outside, if there is an opportunity to help Dad to get back some shares of the company, please try...... Do you understand what I'm saying?"

A thought came to Di Qiuhe, but he showed an incredulous look, and said sadly, "We are family, do we really need to go this far?"

Di Bian put up his hand and wiped his face, with a face full of decadence, "I do not want to do this too, but your Aunt Qin is muddleheaded, and the Qin family is......it is ok if the company does not exist, but how about you? Chunhua and Xiasong still have half of Qin family's blood. Your Aunt Qin will protect them, how about you? Dad only wants to leave something to you after I die. You, please do not blame me. I let you down these years. It is ok if you do not want to help. I am still in good health. I can help you to keep some......"

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