C89. Villa Resort (2)

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"It is curled when I was sleeping!" He Bai turned his head and pulled Di's hand away, he rolled himself over to lie on the floor like the shape of the Chinese character 'Da' (on the back with outstretched arms and legs), just like a starfish, sighing, "That's a vacation called by its right name. Someone waits there to serve me, all I need to do is off my feet to eat and drink, appreciate the scenery before my eyes as well."

Di Qiuhe smiled, he lay down next to He Bai, staring together at the wooden roof in the corridor, whispered, "Right, that's the right way to enjoy a vacation." He meant that, staying with He Bai without sorrow and anxiety, all he needed to do was devoted himself to please the other.

The past twenty-three years was occupied by infighting and plot, which kept him in suspense. Neither his home nor family could be called as it meant to be. Furthermore, he may forfeit everything he got in a trivial mistake.

He used to perceive that was his destined life, full of contest, conspiracy and plot...He never thought he would fall in love with someone, let alone having a family. There were only two of his future assumptions: being defeated in the infighting, and giving up to the bitter and humble life; or making a clean sweep, and leaving the life to the one who against him.

But he had Pup now. Although the infighting was going on, there was a new choice for him to let go of the old memories that were too bitter to recall. Now he's got a new choice of a happy life to spoil and stay with Pup.

The courtyard was quiet except for the rustle of running water and wind through the leaves.

"Pup." He called suddenly and looked sideways at the one lying beside him.

"Huh?" He Bai seemed to be particularly sleepy, narrowing his eyes for drowsiness.

"Stay with me." Di Qiuhe replied, moving his hand to firmly grasp He Bai's waistband of the bathrobe little by little. "Stay with me and don't betray me. I'll give you whatever you want, just keep true to yourself."

The mesmerizing sound of running water, together with Di's gentle and low voice, finally a drowsy feeling crept over He Bai. He turned over and let up on his eyes, seeming had got what Di Qiuhe just said, also seeming he didn't hear anything. There was a vague response.

"I've got your promise." Di Qiuhe turned sideways, looking at He's peaceful sleeping face, approached to kiss He on the head, "Pup, I like you, can you like me in return?"

Owing to sleeping too much during the day, He Bai woke up at three o'clock in the morning. He then found that the well-behaved Di Qiuhe lay beside him, holding the waistband of his bathrobe, as if for fear that he might run away at night.

Failing to fall asleep again, he took out his belt gently, got up and opened the door facing the courtyard, then went out and stood in the corridor to take a deep breath of the cool night air.

He was a bit hungry.

He cast back Di calling him to get up for dinner when he was in a daze last night. But he seemed to kick Di out impatiently and turned over and fell asleep soon.

There came an ineffable sense of guilty.

Two dim-light lanterns were hanging at the gate of the courtyard, dangling in the night breeze, as pleasing as a painting.

He Bai was tempted, turned back into the room for the camera, and then strolled out of the courtyard.

The housekeeper serving them cropped up at this time, wittingly withdrew from disturbing his night trip after handing him a thermal hamper.

He Bai expressed his thanks in surprise. He then found a small pavilion to relax in, opened the hamper for food to fill up his belly. He got up after the housekeeper appeared again to take the hamper away. He then strolled around the elegant resort with camera.

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