C22. It's Better to Take the First Move

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The alley was long and on the opposite side of the exit on the other side was a complex shopping mall.

He Bai walked behind Di Qiuhe with no expression on his face and asked, "Where are you taking me?"

Di Qiuhe pressed the brim of his cricket hat, raised his slender fingers and pointed to the mall across the street. "Go to the supermarket, buy steak, go home and cook."

He Bai was surprised. "You can cook?"

"You invited me to eat steak." Di Qiuhe turned his head to look at him, the corner of his mouth curled, his voice was low and gentle, but He Bai only found it very abominable, "Therefore, it is absolutely you who should cook, and I will choose the steak, you pay for it."

"...I can't cook."

"Then learn." Di Qiuhe patted him on the head like patting his wayward puppy. And he comforted He Bai in a I-don't-care way, "Don't be afraid, I'll find you a cooking tutorial, if you blow up my kitchen, it's okay, just compensate me, I will give you a 50% discount."

"Thank you for your generosity...." He Bai shook his head and shook off his hand.

Di Qiuhe raised his eyebrow, took back his hand and gently tugged at his hair. He smiled contentedly, "Don't always show me your admiration, I will feel embarrassed."

"..." It was impossible to communicate with someone who had no sense of shame.

Finishing buying the ingredients with the fastest speed, Di Qiuhe paid the bill, crossed the alley and returned to his car with He Bai.

As soon as He Bai got in the car, he immediately took his camera bag into his arms and took out his cell phone. He looked at Di Qiuhe, saying, "Tell me your account number and I will transfer the money to you." Since he said he would treat, then he would pay the bill. It was an accident that Di Qiuhe paid for those ingredients just now. His wallet, cell phone and camera bag were all left in the car and that was why he could not pay.

"I only accept cash." Di Qiuhe leaned over to help him fasten his seat belt, then he sat up, fastened his own seat belt, and started the car. "And brand-new notes only."

The handsome face of that man approached and left. He could smell a faint smell of male perfume. He Bai stayed still with his wallet in hand for a moment, and then gritted his teeth, "Di Qiuhe, you are doing this on purpose!"

"You finally found out." Di Qiuhe turned the car around and drove towards his residence. He looked sideways at him with a smile. "So, you want to continue beating me now? Little puppy, my shoulder hurts a little, which may affect the filming progress later. Do you want to pay me for my loss of working time?

He Bai put away his cell phone with a sullen face and decided to change a pile of coins to bash this bastard.

The car drove into the underground garage of a high-grade residential area. He Bai carried his camera bag and computer case, Di Qiuhe carried the food ingredients, and they stood side by side at the elevator entrance.


He Bai turned his head sensitively and looked at a dark corner of the garage.

"What's wrong?" Di Qiuhe turned to look at him. He took off the hat and pulled his fingers through his hair. His posture was quite relaxed. "Is the computer too heavy? Give it to me and I will carry it for you.

There was another faint sound of the shutter. He Bai frowned. He decisively put the computer into Di Qiuhe's arms, took out his camera, adjusted the exposure number, turned on the flash lamp and pressed the shutter madly toward the dark place.

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