C91. Popsicle (1)

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He Bai stood next to Jiang Guanshan, and he suddenly got a bit nervous while looking at Di Qiuhe who stood on the balcony on the second floor in the front.

The action choreographer and the securities were doing the final check and the dresser was working on his makeup and clothes. Di Qiuhe's eyes were closed as if he was building up his mood. The smiling between his eyes was drawn back deliberately that he looked quite thoughtful and steady.

The first take was Di Qiuhe's monodrama. According to the former blockings, he needed to run out from the room first and then looked back at the pursuing troops. After that, he should jump out of the balcony on the second floor and fell on the plastic roof of the first floor. Then he should pull out his leg to grab the window frame on the first floor after rolling on the ground, and flashed into the alley right after.

It wasn't that easy to shoot those scenes that might not even last for only a few seconds in the final film.

A few minutes later, the dresser left with his cosmetic kit. The action choreographer and other staff had made the final check and they were packing their stuff to leave gradually. Jiang Guanshan waved and all the staff on each position were ready quickly. They were ready to start the shooting right after he and Di Qiuhe gave the sign.

Finally, Di Qiuhe was the only one left in the scene. He adjusted his body and turned to look downstairs.

Jiang Guanshan gave him an "Okay" sign.

Di Qiuhe nodded and waited for a second. Then he put his eyes on He Bai who was dumbly holding a camera and looking at him without blinking.

He Bai waved his hand as he saw him looking at himself, and he said a silent "fighting" with his mouth moving. He then held up his camera and pretended to take a snap, meaning he would take good pictures for him.

Di Qiuhe couldn't help raising his lips and his eyes were full of smile. The gentleness covered deliberately before had now been revealed unconsciously, and some staff was blushing as they were overwhelmed by how handsome Di Qiuhe was.

Dong Ni's eyes flashed and she was blushing as well because he was indeed handsome. And he was totally different from her fat and greasy sponsor who kept on gazing at her.

Jiang Guanshan looked around the environment and made a strong cough and stared at Di Qiuhe angrily. He then clapped to tell them the shooting was about to start.

Di Qiuhe arranged his emotions immediately and withdrew his stare from He. He hid half of his body in the room after taking a few steps back.

He Bai grabbed his camera tightly and couldn't help holding his breath.

There was also a camera stand inside the room, and it was charged by the deputy director. The continuity called the scene number and clapped the clip stick to kick off the shooting.

The atmosphere around Di Qiuhe changed promptly along with the shooting. He ran to the balcony with his eyebrows tightly knitted and looked at the pursuing troops seriously. His fist was getting hard and he abruptly pushed against the rails on the balcony and jumped down agilely.

He Bai had totally forgotten that he was there to do his assignment that he couldn't help looking at that vigorous shadow falling down. His heart was beating so fast out of worry.

Landing safely on the roof, Di Qiuhe rolled on the ground without a break. He then grabbed the window frame on the first floor and disappeared after stepping on it to flash into the alley near the side of the house.

"Cut! Pass!"

Director Jiang waved and then the staff ran into the alley immediately to check on Di Qiuhe. He Bai couldn't help but follow them up.

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