C127. Bromance (3)

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The endless guesswork made He Bai emotionally disturbed. Looking at the heavy meal, He Bai had no appetite. He missed that carefree He Bai who had no romantic entanglement with anyone so much.

Thinking of that, he couldn't help glancing at Di Qiuhe who buried in eating. He Bai said indifferently: "You little menace." Di Qiuhe put a pork ribs into He Bai's bowl. He frowned and asked: "What did you say? Why aren't you eating, don't like the food? Shall I order something else for you?"

He Bai looked at his worried face, he felt he was choked in his chest. He lowered his head and decided to turn his upset into appetite.

So, Di Qiuhe just cared about him as a big brother? Or even as a father? After all, he sometimes treated He Bai like a son...He stopped chewing and clutched his chopsticks, eyes turning intent.

That was too bad. Di Qiuhe had too much impact on his emotion. He Bai decided to avoid him from now on.

He swallowed the rib and wiped his mouth, saying to Di Qiuhe, "This week my homework is "emotion". I have taken enough photos here today, so I want to take a look at somewhere else tomorrow, you know, for inspiration. Oh right, I will visit Xing Shaofeng by the way, so I'll not go to the spot with you."

Di Qiuhe, who was making a roasted duck roll for him, turned to him quickly and raised his voice, "You want to visit Xin Shaofeng? For a whole day?" He altogether had two days off, and he should have planned to spare one day for Xing Shaofeng?

"A whole may be too long, half day, I think. He comes here to find a doctor and was admitted this morning for treatment. Since we plan to hire him, we should be more considerate, so I have to visit him." He Bai explained.

Di Qiuhe's eyebrows knotted: "When? When had we talked about hiring him?"

"Yester..." He Bai stopped and goggled at him confusedly, "Haven't I told you? That I want to hire him as your agent? He is competent and can definitely help you a lot."

Diu Qiuhe was also baffled. He had a drink, trying to restrain his smile and then looked at him, asking, "So you do that for me? You know I don't have an agent and you find me one?"

He Bai was frightened by his serious face, and the emotional stuff was all left behind. He also said seriously, "Qiuhe, don't blame me as a busybody. An actor can work without a company, but he must have an agent. Assistant Wang is competent, of course, but his energy is limited. When he has to take care of you, he doesn't have time to deal with other stuff. Assistant An, on the other hand, is still inexperienced, and cannot deal with these alone. This film will be finished in two months, then what will you do next? Someone has to make a plan for you. Although the image of Xing Shaofeng is bad now, and he doesn't have connections with the showbiz, but as long as he is willing, no other agents can be better than him."

Seeing He Bai doing his best to convince him, Di Qiuhe was deeply touched...Little Puppy approached Xing Shaofeng for him. Jealousy immediately transformed into sweetness.

He Bai noticed Di Qiuhe didn't say anything and thought that he didn't buy it, so he put down the chopsticks and elaborated it: "As Xing Shaofeng's old boss was selfish and didn't want him to be famous, he kept Xing Shaofeng at his side closely. That's why he wasn't famous now. If I had enough money, I would have hired him as my agent. Qiuhe, believe me, he's worth it. You will never regret..."

Di Qiuhe couldn't restrain his happiness any more and pinched He Bai's face gently.

He Bai was shocked and frowned. He pulled Di Qiuhe's hand away, "Stop it. I'm talking about real work."

"You're the boss." Di Qiuhe smiled at him and couldn't help jabbing his dimple again. He was so happy and said that, "My Little Puppy, I will keep feeding you till you gain weight." Then he could keep He Bai's company all the time.

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