C57. He was Screwed (2)

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Ten minutes later, an honorable lady from G district with some political background posted a picture on her Weibo, and she @Yi Ka apparel and the official account of Little Mermaid. She thanked Yi Ka apparel for the sponsorship of her daughter's engagement dress, which was highly appreciated by her daughter.

There was a slim lady with her back to the shot in the picture. She was wearing a white-pink gradient fantasy tulle dress, with her hair coiled, and a pink diamond ring on her finger hanging by the side, holding flowers in her hand.

Spectators online soon recognized that the dress she wore belonging to the Princess collection launched today, and was the most expensive one named Cinderella among the whole collection. The masses were truly shocked.

Netizen one: This is the first one who wears the princess collection. How quick! Amazing.

Netizen two: The ragging dress that Miss Di Chunhua disliked is truly lovely. The bride is gorgeous in her dress. Though targeting at maiden consumers, the apparel of Little Mermaid seems to be suitable for young girls in their early twenties.

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Netizen three: If the bride can put it on so quickly, the honorable lady must have got the dress from the Little Mermaid in advance through some special channels. Maybe she has signed some kind agreements. I can't tell what the honorable lady may think at the moment if she knows that her daughter's engagement dress is said to be rags worn by beggars.

Netizen four: The lady must be feeling annoyed. What a happy thing it is for her daughter to get engaged. She even got a special dress that's off the market for her daughter, who shall be as beautiful as a princess's, and to be the unparalleled first "princess". To her surprise, someone brings contempt upon herself.

Netizen five: Haha...no wonder the Little Mermaid did not lend the dress to Di Chunhua, such a bad-mannered playgirl. How could she match the daughter born by the combination of a scholarly family and a political bigwig? Who is the real princess and who is not can be differentiated at a glance. Haha...

Qin Li's face was twisted with anger when she scanned the comments below the Weibo post.

She just couldn't believe that! This was this ultimate goal of this trap! Recently, the Qin family was planning to develop the market in district G, and had invested quite some money to pull strings and make contact with the officials in that district. Now her daughter had offended the local bigwig by saying that "ragging dress for beggars". The Qin family was bound to be targeted against!

"Di Bian!" She clenched her fist and shook her hands in anger. "I always value our couple's mutual affection, I've never doubted you. But you, treating my Qin family as a thorn in the eye, set us up. For the sake of disgusting my family, you went so far as to take advantage of our daughter!" Now our daughter was bearing the name of a fake princess who had offended the genuine one. It would be difficult for her to marry a good man in the future.

It was the first time that Di Chunhua saw her mother mentioning her father in such a hateful tone, she felt more frightened than ever before. Then she rushed to hug her mother in a panic. "Mom, please don't. Dad would never do that to me. He loved me so much. No, it must be a mistake. I know, it is Di Qiuhe!" Right, Di Qiuhe must have had instigated dad! Mom, don't quarrel with dad, I'm afraid, I'm afraid...

Qin Li came back to herself and saw her daughter was frightened. She subdued her anger and hugged her daughter, comforting while gnashing her teeth, "Yes, it's Di Qiuhe's fault. Mom and dad are at peace. Don't worry. You are our little dove. Don't be afraid..." No way! The kids were far from being matured. Their surname was Di. They should get whatever they deserve. I had to endure everything. Di Bian, if you dare to reap profit at our children's cost, then you shall not blame me for not caring about our couple's mutual affection anymore!

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