Chapter 4

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A hundred gaps

He is smart.

I am not.

He is handsome.

I am not beautiful.

He is good in sports.

I am weak.

He is a well mannered boy.

I definitely was not.

He is popular.

And I'll never be.


I just suddenly realized in my thirteen years of existence here in earth that I have the most largest gap towards Wei Xiu.

It wasn't just about brain and looks, but our temperaments and the way society perceived us are too large.

It was a bit annoying, yet by the time I became a teenager, mood swings came knocking, or I most preferably called as barging, into my calm life.

It was just hell.

I wasn't good enough to be his rival, yes, I knew that but sometimes, like a kid, I would go and have some meaningless fight with him.

Everything changes when we reached our thirteen age.

But of course, with my changes happening, so did towards Wei Xiu. 

Sometimes, I just wished that every thing was simple and easy, like when I was just a six year old girl playing in the woods. But now, all I could do was to study and study, review tests and do home works and now, I'm seriously getting crazy here.

"Why can't you just ask Wei Xiu?" My mother suggested which made me sulked in anger.

"I don't want to!" 

"This child! When you became a teenager you became more unruly while Wei Xiu remained his past self" Mother refuted which made me ticked off.

"Then just make him your son!" I shouted in anger and left the room with my mom shouting at me angrily.

Opening the door, I left my mother and my oblivious father. Me being the stupid one, ended up in the big oak tree were we used to play and climb, accompanied with the heavy rain pouring down on me. 

Then as if all of my anger and resentment poured down and became one with the storm, I cried until I could feel my eyes burning out. Tears still continued to rain on my cheeks as some drops of rain wet my whole body.


I was embraced by someone, it was a guy I knew for sure. His clean smell wafted into my nose as I buried myself into his neck, like a poor kitten burrowing its entire body to a warm furnace. 

Then I was out.


The day before.....

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