Chapter 19

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As sweet as ice cream

As you all know, my mother is the empress while my father is nothing but a slave to her whims.

When I was a kid, I feel sad that my father has to listen to my mother's orders and lose his power to the house. I always feel that its because he isn't strong enough to fight my dragon like mother and can only concede.

But it turns out, he's just a slave in love.

Therefore, when I'm old enough to think and reason out to my parents, I strive to become my strong willed mother.

I want to have that power to order someone within it fearing that I might got reprimanded or worse, hurt.

I wanted to be like my mom just to get anything I wanted with no obstacles.

And now, seeing my father act like a spoiled little kid to my mother, I feel like my visions towards the world has changed.

Daddy! Have you no shame?!

I wanted to ask that to my father but I can't or else our dear empress will complain and say that I'm ruining their lovey dovey time.

Ha! As if I want to!

"My sweetie cookie pie, let's have a date hm? Our daughter can buy say sauce on her own, we can leave her with Mei Rou" I can't believe that my father, the one who shares half of his blood to me, has suggested to leave me to Aunt Tang's house!


"You're right, you hear that right? Tell Aunt Tang that I have a date with your father today" my own mother has abandoned me as well.

I don't really know what to do in this family.

My mother have this eyes that says 'go on' and I felt like I'm the third person here intruding their own date.

I'm their daughter! How could they- anyway, I could go to Aunt Tang and be pampered there like a princess instead of moping around here thinking what I have done wrong to my parents.

"I'll go now, see you when I see you!" I waved at them and didn't packed any clothes since my Aunt Tang loves me, she bought me some clothes that are placed on Wei Lin Jie-Jie.

"Bye Ying-ying! Don't stay up too late okay? Send my regards to your Aunt Tang and Uncle Zhang!" I nodded and made my way to Wei Xiu's house.

After arriving there for like five minutes, I find myself embraced by Aunt Tang and feeling Uncle Zhang's hands petting my hair.

Ah, finally!

"You're parents already informed me, those two really, they're on a date!" Aunt Tang said with a hint of jealousy on her tone.

I think she wants to have a date with Uncle Zhang too. So I winked at Uncle Zhang and fortunately, he seems to understand my wink.

"Don't worry, tomorrow we can have our own date. Let's leave Wei Xiu to Zhi Lan" Uncle Zhang said with a smile as he kissed Aunt Tang's cheeks making her blush.

I thought I wouldn't see another display of two lovers playing 'You love me, no I love you more', turns out, I am deadly wrong.

Now I've become a third person again, seriously.

All I can do was to smile wryly while they display such blatant display of affection. Thankfully, it didn't take too long before Aunt Tang was finally coaxed.

"Why are you here?"

Tch, it's Wei Xiu.

"I'm here because I was kicked out of my house so my parents can have a date" I said with a insincere smile while Wei Xiu frowns after hearing it.

Don't worry buddy, you'll have your chance tomorrow.

"Wei Xiu, lead Ying-ying to her room" Uncle Zhang said after he ruffled my hair once again.

"Thank you Uncle Zhang and Aunt Tang!" I smile sweetly to them then went upstairs.

Wei Xiu was walking slowly and I almost lose my patience before he stopped at the familiar pink door.

My face heat up when I remembered that when I was a child, Aunt Tang made a room for me so that I can sleep here in their house whenever I wanted too. But the reason I feel so embarrassed right now is because of the design in the room.

Everything is pink!

Now that I've grown up and is now a proper lady, I tend to dislike pink things and just...princess types. I don't want to look like a child when I'm clearly not anymore.

"Why aren't you going in?" Wei Xiu said, his eyes were filled with mirth as he looked at the door.

Just by looking at the door you can see why I'm too embarrassed to open it. First, the door is painted in pink and second, it has my name plastered on it with a tiara sticker on top.


I want the ground to open up and swallow my down from this misery.

"Open up"

"I will open it after you go in your room!" I couldn't help but retort but he didn't budge.

I knew that something will happen once I open this door, and my gut tells me it's not a good thing.

So I stay rooted at my spot but who am I kidding, even if I didn't open the door, someone will.

And that is Wei Xiu.

"No!" I grab his hands that is placed on the door knob and before I knew it, I already pushed the door open with my own hands.

This guy! He manipulated me into opening this door!

Sly bastard!

"Pfft...welcome home princess Ying" he said with a trace of laughter in his voice while I closed the door with a bang.

His laughter penetrated to the door and I hear it as Satan's laugh. Honestly, I don't think I can live a day without thinking of ways to kill Wei Xiu.

He's really a pain in the ass.

I cleaned myself and threw some white shirt and cotton shorts then plopped down on the single bed.

Of course, everything in here is pink. There's laces decorating the bed and the drawers and even the curtains are pink. I couldn't even look at the mirror because it's filled with glittering jewels making me feel uncomfortable.

There's only the table lamp and the small crystal chandelier hanging in the ceiling remained as the light source in the room.

But both of it is covered in pink color.

Ha, I really hate pink now.

But I hate Wei Xiu more, that thing will never change.

Hi people! How are you today?! It's cold now in the Philippines and it's  a really good time to sleep and read!

Anyways, please stay safe as always, keep yourselves warm!


Thank you!

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