Chapter 25

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A daydream turned into a nightmare

It's just a fifteen minute walk from the KTV to the school, after all the more people there are in a place, the more business will flourish.

And students are one of their main customer.

So it isn't really that unusual for students to go to the mall, or play in a arcade and go to the KTV.

Although I'm just a thirteen year old girl, I mean pretty much all five of us, our parents are still a bit lenient to us about going out. Aifen's father is a bit strict but with just a few words from Wei Xiu himself, he's bound to get brainwashed too.

But of course there's still a time limit, I don't even want to think of the consequences that I'll have it I didn't go home in the right time.

But as always, my parents trust Wei Xiu more than their own flesh and blood, nothing new.

"Wow! I'm finally here!" My eyes grew larger everytime I look at each corner of the place. There's a lot light going on here, the sounds are well managed and the place looks pretty decent.

Huh, I thought with the way how lazy this Ming Chen guy look, his taste on things are pretty good.

"Let's book down our songs first then select a room" Ming Chen said, appearing as a professional guy while he talk to the desk lady.

We waited for a second before we choose some songs, of course I choose the latest ones while Wei Xiu choose the English songs. Psh, show off!

Feng Mian on the other hand choose some pop songs while Aifen choose a the traditional type.

And then we're off to a new world.


Lights blinking in different colors, a wide room that can almost fit ten people with dark colored couches. This KTV place is also good since it has a place where we can eat our snacks and place our drinks. The wide flat TV screen appeared much bigger than I thought and the first song has entered.

It was Ming Chen's.

Of course, he chose a trendy song and sang it flawlessly. I hate to say this but he really is like the man of the night. His voice can be compared to those who sing in the entertainment circle.

His voice sounds an ocatve lower since he has already achieved his growth phase. His pronunciation is clear and a bit flirty to listen to.

Anyways, after he finished singing a very seductive love song while looking at our female lead, Feng Mian, he grandly finished the song with a charming smile.

Ugh! Another show off!

I can only clap to the side and proceeds to clap a bit more louder since Feng Mian came up. She choose a song about playboys and I can almost see the grin on Ming Chen's face.

She sang like a pop rock star, a bit rough to the edge and sweet at the end. She sang as if she was singing on a concert and not in a place of a small group of people.

Then she's finished, I almost leaped through the air when I saw that my darling Aifen is next. I cheered for her loudly while she smiled shyly.

"Go Aifen!"

Wei Xiu on the other hand hit my hand a bit too lightly but it doesn't shake the fact that he hit me so I hit him too. He glared at me while I glared at him in return and was about to erupt into flames when a clear sound, those of ringing bells, have flew to my ears.

Aifen is singing!

And she sings like a goddess! Goodness me! Her voice is so pure and so sweet, as if every words she say in this song held the truth. High notes were easily sang by her in her small shy voice as she sweetly smiled at me.

Aww, my Aifen is smiling at me!

"She's not" Feng Mian said and I finally realized that I really said what's on my mind.

"Then whose she smiling for?" I asked, curiously while I ask Feng Mian.

"Who else? Her beloved male god, Wei Xiu"

Argh! I glared hatefully at Wei Xiu while he looks uninterested, as if he was a deity who doesn't look at the world the way normal people see it.

Really piss me off!

Then Aifen finished, with a sheen of charming glowing on her face, she looks at Wei Xiu as if he was a judge on a singing contest.

"Very good! You sang really, really good Aifen!" I intercepted and hugged her, she smiled at me with a hint of adorableness.

"Really, it's my first time s-singing in front of...people"

Aww, such a sweet girl!

"Xiu's next" Ming Chen's voice rang to the silent room.

Wei Xiu on the other hand remained calm as he took the microphone and waited for the lyrics to appear.

A strung of guitar filled the room, the tone of jazz rang to my head as the lyrics appeared. He sang the first words and instantly, I can see myself floating on top of a cloud.

It's relaxing and his voice sounds a bit lazy. He was somewhat hoarse, the laziness in his tone created a sense of calmness. A bit cooling and a bit warm to the heart.

Really, he's such a perfect person.

And I don't know if I hate it or is jealous of it.

Anyways, after he finish his song, I almost slept in the couch. Aifen closed her eyes as she listened to Wei Xiu's song while Feng Mian looked at ease and of course, Ming Chen looked languid in his seat.

The man himself sat on my right and passed me the microphone. I almost feel ashamed since I knew my voice can wake them up from a daydream and turn it into a nightmare.

Ah! Whatever! Let's just end this now!

There is always this one person who can't sing, that one person who mess up the mood and that's me.

After I sang, I feel like their gaze on me is a bit different. I just grin and scratch my head in awkwardness before saying.

"Is my singing good?"

Hi people! I may not be able to update as if today because I have a lot to do.

First off, my teachers have finally appeared and sent us a bunch of homeworks to do with a time limit.

That's right! There's a time limit!

My hands are too tired to type words anymore and my eyes are just...just feeling worse than it ever is!

Anyways, I hope you do like this chapter, please forgive me if there are some grammatical errors, I wasn't in the mood to write right now.


Thank you!

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