Chapter 68

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In both reluctance and excitement

It didn't take long for class to ends and with that, I saw Wei Xiu taking his belongings and going out.

He didn't spare us any attention and just walked out, I didn't know if I should feel angry at his actions or feel relieved that he's in a hurry to talk with my darling, either way, I still couldn't place this particular feeling of being stifled.

I think I'm having some kind of sickness, I hope it's not contagious though.

Anyway, all I could do was look at Feng Mian's expression of lost, she still looks troubled. I don't know what to do anymore, I couldn't even help my best friend because I have another problem on my own, worst, she hasn't talked to me after she learned of Wei Xiu's confession.

If I told her back then, she would feel as troubled as me. It wouldn't be right to trouble her more with my problems, I can take care of it.

But alas, Wei Xiu just decided to throw the bomb without warning!

"Feng Mian" I whispered as I tug at her sleeves, she peered at me with her fogged sight before it cleared.

The noise coming from our classmates filled our silence, my head tingled in fear as she continued to gaze at me and I couldn't help but blink some tears away.

Then she held my wrist and walked out from the classroom with me in tow. I didn't almost step into the ground as I run behind her. She didn't take her hands off my wrist and soon, we were out of the vicinity of the school and is already in the middle of the street.

"Feng Mian"

My hands are sweating and I could feel the loud thump in my chest, I swear I'm gonna get crazy if she continues to stare at me.

Then she laughed.

She laughed.

I couldn't even move on my position, my eyes focused on her laughing face until she heaved and stopped.

" got confessed too?" She ask and I unconsciously answered.


"You felt bad for me so you decided to not tell me because you're scared I'll be troubled too much" that was a statement, I nodded my head repeatedly until I feel myself getting dizzy.

My tensed body relaxed after seeing her talking to me again. Gosh! I really can't bear it when one of my friends are angry! I just can't! It's too much for me to handle!

"You fool" she gently said as she hugged me, I clung to her like a child and muttered a lowly sorry.

She laughed and looked at me before flicking my forehead (which hurts).

"Don't you dare do this again, you hear me?"

"Yes sir!"

Alright! We're okay now!


I stayed into my room, Feng Mian was inside too as well since I invited her. Since we're in good terms now, I wanted to tell her about everything.

So I did.

Her face didn't show much but then she hollered in laughter when I get to the part were Wei Xiu decided by himself that we're together when were actually not!

"Poor guy" she laughed till she was in tears.

"Why? Aren't I the most miserable one in here?"

"No, he definitely was. Do you know how much restraint he's doing in order to not pounce on you and order any man in close proximity with you to leave? He's that possessive at you yet he acts like he's the most noblest and gentleman guy! Ha! Shane on him though for revealing your relationship in public! That's low of him!"

My car blushed like a monkeys butt, it didn't help that Feng Mian was looking at me and saw my blush. Her eyebrows moved as if she was teasing me which made me blush harder.

"Yes it is, but you're missing the key point. We are not together! Never and will never be!" I retorted, still angry at Wei Xiu's impulsiveness.

She just shook her head with a smile on her face and lay on my bed. I look at her pointedly, still waiting for her side to open up and tell me the events that happened between her and-

I was interrupted when a sudden knock rang on my door.

"Liu Ying! Wei Xiu's here!"


Why the hell is he here?


Feng Mian shooed me away as I pout at her before taking my indoor slippers and got down.

My parents looked at me with goofy smiles in there faces. I couldn't even bother to tell the the truth and just rushed to the door to see him standing tall in front of my eyes.

"Why are you here?"

His eyes snapped at me before spitting the words that I would never forget in my entire life.

"Ying, let's try, just this time"

Well, that was a rollercoaster eh! I'm glad Liu Ying and Feng Mian is okay!

I have finally decided, after this story ends which is not that far away from now, I'll be doing a sequel for Feng Mian and Ming Chen! I think it should be writted after this so that the story is still fresh in your minds, aren't I right?

Anyways, thank you so much for the votes and comments! I love them and I hope to see more of them te-hee!

Stay safe and healthy as always people!


Thank you!

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