Chapter 72

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Last or burn?

You know that type of scene where you were with your new lover and was walking on the street like every normal couple, then you met your past lover.

Yep, that's what I'm facing.


"Oh, y-you're here" I can only mutter with a slight pained smile.

I was still a bit dazed from my sleep so I didn't really think too much of the figure standing under the lamp post.

My inner self was in panic while I remain calm in his presence. I can't just go into full mode panic, my darling's here and I can't let her see me into a very sorry state.

I totally forgot about him.

He's still waiting for me in the stationary store, it's in our street and the train station isn't really that far from the school.

His uniform was a bit crumpled, his eyes hung low while his face was illuminated by the lampshade and the moon hanging in the sky. He looks tired, his bag laying on the floor while he stood away from us.

"Let's get you home" he said towards me while he shot a nod to Aifen.

My breath hitched while the two of them nod at each other, it was nerve wracking to say the least. After that, we started to trudge towards my home.

He didn't ask why Aifen is with me nor have me an inquiring stare, he just walks off while giving me some glances along the way. I think it's to make sure that I'm still following him. Of course I am! Am I a kid that will be easily lost from my way home?

Anyways, were home and Wei Xiu was behind us while I knocked. My mother threw me a look that says 'Its already night, where have you been' but didn't lectured me since I have Aifen with me.

I bet she'll roar like the lioness she is after they left. I look to my right and saw Feng Mian seating like a regal queen, her eyebrows were lifted with inquiry.

"Why so late Liu Ying?" She asked and I immediately shut her up with my pleading gaze. She grins for a moment before talking to Aifen.

I look behind me and saw Wei Xiu, I'm not sure whether I should see him off since Aifen's with me. I met eyes with her and she nodded softly while I have her a apologetic smile before opening the door.

I was right, he was about to leave when I called his name.


"Just....seeing you o-off" I muttered lowly, a bit embarrassed at my action and proceeds to lower my head.

He tilted his head with an adorable smile on his face and met my eyes, I instantly got flustered and shooed him away.

"Sweet dreams Ying"


I highly doubt that.


He sighed in regret.

His eyes trailed back to her home, the doors were already closed but it felt like he was still there, standing at their front house where she stuttered in fluster.

She's too cute and adorable.

With that thought, a smile graced his lips and he looked at the sky. His eyes were filled with mirth, after being stood up by her, his strength was just now regained.

He thought she'll forgot about it, and she did which he already knew from the start.

But he still waited.

After all, he's been waiting for her for a long time. It's been years and now, she's within his grasp. He could see her now and not in the label if friends but something more than that.

He just can't go and declare it to everyone, he knows that she wants Aifen to heal first.

But he's fine with it, whatever she wants, he's fine with it.

Honestly, he was gambling, even when he ask her for a chance, he was gambling. It could either result into a deep relationship with her or no more relationship, not even friends.

Just acquaintances and just the thought of that makes his heart hurt.

He remembered Aifen's eyes, it was puffy and red, the same as Liu Ying when they arrived. He knew the reason of their tears, he knew yet he couldn't do anything about it.

If he did, he'll just hurt Aifen more.

It's not fair for her to be in love with him when he's totally enamored by such a small pack girl with a lot of energy to fight him.

She spoke of love but it was nonetheless something that he couldn't receive nor give to her.

They weren't meant for each other, he and Ying are.

It's just a matter of time whether this relationship will last or burn.

He hopes that it's not the latter part.

Hey everyone! How are you today? It didn't rain, bummer but it's a special day for my mother!


Anyways, we have a lot of foods from our love ones and we also had a very good but tiring day today!

Always remember to stay healthy and safe! Thank you!


Thank you!

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