Chapter 51

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Feeling nostalgic all of a sudden

It turns out that in our life, there are still some things that are left undone, moments that are yet to be shared and time that moves forward without a hitch.

It seems like I'm writing a poem by doing this but when I look at my face in the mirror, all I could see was a new and different me.

I'm no longer the thirteen year old girl who cries at every little change and freaks out every time something in my body change. No longer that student whose homework can be done in just a day and play without thinking of my future.

My entire future rest in this test that we'll be doing for my last year in senior high school and honestly, time has been cruel to me, to us.

It's happening.

I know that time is inevitable and it will still flow no matter what, I just- I don't know. It feels like I'm in a race and that I need to get better or else I'll be fallen behind.


It happened back then and I was thankful for Wei Xiu to help me, but now, every student is in a race and I doubt that someone would still help me.

Some would, but I would feel guilty since we're all doing this and I'm just taking too much of their time and will probably slow their progress.

So the only thing I can do was to study hard, much harder than the last time and I could feel myself getting tired.

A month has passed and I felt like my days has been blurred, everything was just too much for me and I'm feeling too rushed.


Lots of test, just sitting on your chair with a textbook on your desk and solving questions I doubt will help me in the future.

It was all too much for me, and it was making a toll on my body that made me have this thing that I always practice whenever I feel too suffocated by everything.

I stayed up all night without too much rest in fear of falling behind.


It happened when I was caught by Wei Xiu, he saw my room was still lighted up when he walks out from the kitchen to grab some water.

"Ate you still studying?" He ask with a grave tone, I can only look down at the sheer intense of his gaze.

I heard him sighing and for a moment, I feel like crying.

"I didn't want to....trouble all of you. I just-just want to study. Isn't that good?" I argued back at him, my eyes continued to blur and then I was crying.

He sighed once more as I heard steps coming towards me. I shut my eyes and sniffed, trying to stifle the sob that wracks my entire body.

Then he hugged me.

"It's late now, you need to sleep" he said above my head and I shook my head in response.

He stilled for a moment before lifting me up, his hands on the back of my knee while he supported my back. I hugged his neck in order to avoid falling and sniffled the area between his neck and shoulder.

He laid me down on my bed and cleaned my desk, putting my exercise books underneath my desk and piling up my papers filled with scribbles and formulas and whatnot.

Then he turned his back towards me as I watch him take my blanket and cover me with it.

His face was illuminated with the only light on my room, the lamp stationed on my left. His expression were filled with warmth and his gaze were gentle towards me.

"Go to sleep now" his voice was silly smooth and was gentle to hear.

I can't even remember the time where my parents tucked me in or a period where he turned so gentle to me. He didn't even let his poisonous tounge running and just put me to sleep with so much care as if I was a fragile doll.

It was confusing but my head hurts from too much studying, but I still asked a question to him.

"Do you think I'll pass?"

He was silent for a moment and then he took my hand and caressed my palm. My heart was beating so fast and for a moment, I swear I saw his eyes darkening for a second before it was gone in a flash.

"Is that the reason?" He didn't need to ask more when I avoided his heated stare. He sighed once more which made me a bit angry.

"So you don't think I'll-"

"You will" he breathed out then he looked at me with a smothering heat that made my palm sweat. "I'll make sure of it" he continued and I laid there with my eyes wide.

I didn't get to give him my thanks when he leaned down to me and I felt a warm but soft thing that slightly touched my forehead before he murmured underneath his breath.

"Sweet dreams"

Oh, I don't think I'll ever sleep after this.

Hi people! I was inspired to write this since I think it was the opposite of what we're doing now. Time is slow for us today and school wasn't too demanding, now, and tests or whatnot is in hold.

The world is inhold.

Even so, if there was no pandemic, even I would feel too rushed to get things done. I was scheduled to have a report, I think it was two of it and was scheduled for the next two weeks to have a test that will probably decide if I and all of my classmates are qualified to be in the course.

So yes, I was inspired by that.

Well then, thank you so much for the votes and comments! Remember to stay healthy and safe people and also: Live you're life with a hint of spice!


Thank you!

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