Chapter 57

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Stepping up the game with the guys part II

He's a player.

A womanizer.

A skirt chasing guy.

He's everything she hated.

She's everything he fears.

Everyone thinks that they know their story, that they already know the ending when it hasn't even started yet.

They knew but they really don't.

There's always a side on each story, a different side that either agrees towards the story and disagrees.

He wants her.

She hated him.

His very existence angers her.

Her very existence brightens his day.

Everyone thinks they know the story, and he's bound to get them wrong.


"Feng Mian"

She was startled, the book on her hand landed on her lap as she looked at his towering figure.

She was sitting underneath the shade of the tree since she decided to read outside of her home or she might call it prison.

It was just a fifteen minute walk away from her home so she didn't know what prompted him to come here and whatever his idea is to call her.

"What?" She harshly asked with her eyes glaring at him.

He was dressed in casual clothes although it made him look much more like a model strutting on a runaway show. He was always on everyone's eyes and there's something about his aura that demands for every person's eyes on him.

And that's the exact situation right now.

Meanwhile, in his eyes laid her.

She was dressed in a white blouse adorning a small blue bow on top of it. Besides that, she's wearing a long cream colored skirt.

She looks so gentle, like the moon that hung across the sky. Her pale skin brightens across the sun's rays, her eyes glimmered in anger and he embraced her attention even if its full of menace. Her red ruby lips were pursed in anger as a few strands of hair fell on her blushing cheeks.

She was- she is a goddess in his eyes.

He was struck by her beauty, like a sailor getting lured by the siren, he was a follower.

"What?" She hissed as she felt an immense pressure on her body from the masses eyes on her.

She wasn't afraid of attention, just hates it.

"Uhm...I was....I wanted to-" he was blubbering like an idiot, he really is a coward in front of her beauty.

She looked at him, her irritation was beginning to cloud her mind. Then he opened his mouth but a sudden call made him stop.

"Ming Chen!"

It was a girl running towards him with her delicately brushed brows and red painted lips, her figure demand attention just like him.

She was a beauty, that's for sure.

And she hates it, she didn't know the reason but she just hates it.

How his attention went to her figure, how her hands raked up on his and how the two of them look so perfect together.

Like two pieces of a puzzel.

She stood up in annoyany and walked away from the picture perfect scene in front of her. She was about to cross the street when a hand shot up to her arms and held her.

She was astounded and was about to berate the stranger when she looked up at a familiar eyes behind the golden rimmed glasses that he always wore.

The scene felt like it was carved from a drama, it was funny to her and she couldn't help but laugh.

He was blinking in surprise.

He was sure that she would kick him in the shin or curse at him but this...this was too surreal.

Her eyes curved like crescents, her laughter were like tinkling bells on his ear and he could see the happiness pouring on her eyes.

She was happy and he didn't know why, but it was all what he wished for.

For her to be happy, nothing more than that.

Then she looked up at him, some petals flew across them as the wind picked up. She shut her eyes from the wind, he stood straight and acted as a shield in front of her.

They were very close.

Very much close.

Her figure was so close to him, she was soft while he was not. She smells of flowers, soft and mellow. Her small stature fit his body, as if she was carved in the same mold as him.

Then he leaned down, his glass brushed across her cheeks and she felt the cold mettalic glass that made he flinch in response.

Then she opened her eyes, they were standing in the middle of the street, her eyes only held his and for a moment, it's as if he was dreaming for she closed her eyes.

It only took one single kiss from him that made her life turn 360 degrees.

I think of having a spin off story about Feng Mian and Ming Chen because honestly, there's a really good plot I ahev for them.

It'll be filled with angst, some drizzle of tragedy but yep, I can't tell you no more. Of course I'll also have some chapters about our dear Liu Ying and Wei Xiu but that's for the future.

I don't know if I should have to write the spin off now or another new story. What do you people think? Tell me in the comments!

Always stay safe and healthy! Thank you so much for all the comments and votes! Appreciate them so, so, so much!


Thank you!

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