Chapter 5

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Wish it would last

I realized that being a teenager sucks.

Not only do I feel too insecure about myself, but also to the people around me.

My moods is always changing even I couldn't keep up with it.

But only Wei Xiu knows how to calm me down, and I'm forever grateful for it.

Just this one, I'll be thankful to have Wei Xiu helping me.

Mother seemed to know the gist of my changes and easily forgive me, but not before proceeding to an hour long lecture about sharing my problems to her.

Father seems concerned too and told me (secretly) that he would always be on my side.

After the little fiasco happening into the Xia family, we continued our normal life. Petting my cat Mao Mao, my father rushing frantically every Monday, mom going out to buy some groceries and a little chit chat from the neighbors and her friends who are friends too.

Everything returns to normal.

But not with Wei Xiu.

"Seriously Wei Xiu, I'm totally fine now" I said to him with heated glare after he sat down to me in the cafeteria.



"Don't give him a hard time after all he's just looking out for you" said
Feng Mian with a look of concern as well.

After she knew what happened to me, her mouth became a cursing gun as she shoot curses towards my math teacher. All I could do was to laugh at her red, furious face.

I didn't feel like they pity me, they just expressed blatantly on my face how stupid I am to think that they'll just leave me be.

And as expected, Feng Mian was like my mom, giving me an hour lecture after she visited my house.

I'm so great to have true real friends.

"But you're know? Garnering too much attention!" I hissed to him as my back felt like it was bleeding heavily due to the jealous stares of the girls.

Feng Mian agreed with a laugh as I scowl in return.

Girls were giving me death glares after Wei Xiu arrived with me, and now, seeing that the two of us having lunches together, the gears on their mind started running.

"Don't pay attention to them" he just said coldly while I snorted out loud.

Yeah right!


We were having P.E when the teacher ask us to search for partners, guess I'll take Feng Mian with me.

We are out in the field, the sun isn't that hot and the weather is fair. No wonder I'm feeling great, turns out my mood is affected by the climate too.

I wonder how I'll come up with the upcoming climate change.

"Feng Mian! Let's be partners!"

"Of course!" She said while she held my hand.

Before the actual event, the teacher proceeded to teach us first about the do's and the don't.

But of course the attention of our female classmates weren't on the teacher's lecture but towards a young dashing man named Wei Xiu.

He was dressed in a white T-shirt with the blue logo of the school on the right side of his chest. His dark blue jogging pants made his stature long. The way he also posed, with his hands on his left pocket, standing straight while he listened to the teacher's lecture with a straight face made every young girl blushed in bashfulness.

He looks like one of those wuixia master's who is a genius in martial arts.

"Liu Ying"

My eyes turned back to Feng Mian amd for a second, I blink at her eyes. She's looking at me in a weird way.

"What? Why are you smiling like that?"

"Smiling like what?" She said and as if she didn't understand my question and smiled in that way again.

"You're smiling as if you discovered some ancient treasure" I said with a confused look on my face.

She just smiled widely, her pearly white teeth peeking behind her beautiful smile.

Silly Feng.

Then a sound of a sharp whistle resonated around the field and woke me up. We begun some light stretching first, and then we move on to evaluate our health, height and weight.

Just great!

"There's too much student in here" I said with a slight frown.

Section 1, 2 and 3 were inside the field, each doing the assigned work and some just lounging around looking at people.

"Yep, that's why P.E. is great, you can actually see the students from the first and second section. Isn't that fun?" Feng Mian said with a smile on her face, again.

"Seriously you- I don't know anymore let's just get it done" I said then measured her height. "You're 165 cm, how lucky" I said with a displeased face.

"Well, you're only 156 cm, that's....... impressive?"

I snorted out load with a load of sneer. Yeah right, like a mere 156 cm can catch up to your height of 165 cm.

"Well let's try our weights then!" She exclaimed happily while I wished to bury myself underneath the ground.

We rushed to get the weighing scale after the pair of girls finished and then Feng Mian was the first one to test it out.

"You're 50 kilograms, where did you hide that 50 kilo?" I said angrily and then took off my shoes to step on the weighing scale.


"I knew it" I hissed angrily as I put my shoes back again.

"Well.....lest just write it down"

I second the motion.

While we finished evaluating our health, I look to my right and see Wei Xiu being surrounded by girls fawning all over him.

He is irritated, I'm sure of it.

The more calm he is, the more angrier he bottles in on his body.

I didn't know if we have some sort of link but his eyes suddenly met mine and I was dumbstruck, my laughter was forced to stop in the middle.

"Ying!" His voice isn't that loud but it was enough for some people to hear.

Great Wei Xiu! You just made me the mortal enemy of all girls!

Before I could even registered what is happening in my surroundings, I was pulled out by him. His hands tightly wrapping onto mine, the warmth of his hands travelling onto my cold skin was enough for myself to feel like I was struck by lightning.

"Wei Xiu! What the hell did you just do?!" I erupted at him when he stopped at the school's backyard.

"I'm uncomfortable" he said with a frown in his brows.

"Fine you are but- could you even h-ho....hol-"

"Wei Xiu!" A femine voice made me tuck my tongue inside my mouth.

Seems like Wei Xiu's spring has arrived.

Thanks for the reads (if there are) and I hope there would be, and some votes but enough if my wishful thinking!

I wish the best for you people, please stay safe as always!

Anyways, hope you like this chapter!!!


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