Chapter 16

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A soldier going into war

I would always think like a kid, you know, hating to study.

But I hope when I'm finally an adult, preferably on my college days if I did study now, I would like studying.

But it's too long so I won't know today if the me in the future would like studying, let's just hope.

Anyways, have you ever have a teacher who only let you answer the textbook and when he/she finally talks, it feels like you're being lulled to sleep.

Because that's what I'm feeling right now.

She's called lazy Yang by her students, she always have this monotonous time whenever she talks about politics.

And we hate every second of it.

I almost passed out and luckily, the bell rang signifying that the class has finally ended. I have never been so relieved and immediately arranged my non existent notebook before seeing our teacher off.

"Feng Mian! Let's go ask him now!" I told her as she nodded. We said our goodbyes to our classmates and waited at the hallway since Wei Xiu's classroom stood alone.

"He's here!" I whispered to Feng Mian and saw Wei Xiu.

I stopped myself from my usual greeting of waving at him since I've experienced the power of rumors. Now, all I can do was to wait until he was out of his classmates clutches.

Really, they treat him as a god.


"Why are the two of you here? I thought were meeting at-"

"Shush! There's an upcoming test this Monday right?" His eyes narrowed before gently nodding at me.

"You want me to tutor you?" I smiled at him widely and immediately accessed on my fawning skills.

"Your highness, the mighty one, please bless this poor soul and teach her about the matters regarding her future" I said with my smile still intact from my face, I feel it getting stiffer now.

"Your liege, teach that commoner so that she can finally learn the world" Feng Mian added, I didn't mind her calling me commoner since she's helping me.

I made a thumbs up on my back, away from Wei Xiu's sight and looked at him with my most powerful weapon.

Puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, zhen will do it or else you'll curse me from being too self centered" he smiled with overflowing gentleness and I was almost blind from it.

"This humble servant is thankful for your magnanimity"

I didn't know that we're already in the school gates where our two new friends, my darling Aifen and the playboy Ming Chen, who didn't even lowered their laughter.

"Pfft...what an interesting play you have there Xiu" Ming Chen said as he laughed once more, his eyes were almost gone from too much laughing.

"Hehehe" I can hear Aifen's clear like bell laughter as she tried to do it in a shy manner.

Seriously, you don't need to smother your beautiful laughter in fear of Wei Xiu, it's better to laugh out loud!

"Did your father permit you to go with us?" Feng Mian asked Aifen and she shook her head resembling a grieving puppy.

"Don't worry Aifen! Wei Xiu is here, he'll solve it!" I grabbed her hands and winked at her, she blushed instantly before smiling at me.

"He's already here!" We heard a honk and there we saw a man in his late forties, he was dressed as if he just came out of a meeting.

"Fen-Fen" he said with a doting smile on his face before Aifen hugged her father.

I almost cried at their father-daughter reunion atmosphere. I was nudge in my elbow by Feng Mian and I instantly recovered.

"Uhm...good afternoon Uncle Ying, we are Aifen's friend and- Wei Xiu!" I took Wei Xiu's wrist and pushed him towards Aifen's father.

"Good afternoon Uncle Ying, I'm Wei Xiu and we are Aifen's friends. We just want to ask if she can go home together with us after class ends. If that's okay with you Uncle Ying?" He look like a son-in-law asking for permission to marry Aifen.


" can but-"

Here it is! The "but" word!

"-she needs to go home before eight nothing more than that" he said which relieved me.

"That's okay Uncle Ying! I promise I'll protect our beloved Aifen from any danger!" I said with so much conviction that Aifen's father heartily laughed.

"Thank you, even though I'm a professor, I'm not too strict on my daughter's friends, I just hope that she would find those who are kind and true to her" he said as he ruffled Aifen's hair which made her pout.

"Really papa? I'm not a kid but...thank you for allowing me" she said as she kissed her father sweetly on the cheeks.

Aww! What a wonderful scene!

"Alright, just go home before eight alright?" Aifen nodded as we see her father off before waving goodbye.

Finally! We are now whole!


"My darling Feng-er, why are you avoiding me again?" Ming Chen said as he tried to touch Feng Mian's hand.

Then a clear sound of slap was heard.

"Don't you dare out your claws on me you playboy" Feng-er, ah no, I mean Feng Mian said as she glared at him with the most vicious look.

Feng Mian harrumphed before taking my hand and Aifen's then she settled herself on the middle.

Truly, she's really ruthless when dealing with this womanizer Ming Chen.

"Aw, why are you like that Feng-er?" He deliberately lengthen the last word before flashing a wink at Feng Mian who was obviously glaring at him.

She stomped her feet to the ground before taking her shoes off and hurling it towards Ming Chen.

"Woah! Fiesty aren't ya?" He laughed as he blow a kiss to Feng Mian.

Laughing at them, we continued our walk leaving the two of them bickering again like old married couples.

Looking at my beloved Aifen and my worst frenemy, Wei Xiu, I feel relaxed now that I'm in between them.

Now I feel like one of those second female leads who always sabotage the male lead and female lead's romance.

With an evil laugh, I didn't notice the smile from Wei Xiu's eyes and the obvious delight on Aifen's lips.

Hi people! How are you today in this somewhat fine weather?

Anyways, thank you so much for the reads! I know it's still not too big yet but we'll get there okay?!

I hope you like this chapter!


Thank you!

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