Chapter 7

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Rumors, oh nothing but rumors

I hate rumors.

Especially those malicious ones, because a single word can hurt your feelings and a single phrase can sentence your whole life.

People don't know the horrifying extent of becoming a topic on a rumor. How it hurts you mentally and physically, draining your thoughts and just making you feel less good about yourself.

And I would thought to be a topic of a baseless and false rumors among my peers.

But here I am, in the bathroom, hiding as I quietly listened to the girls in the cubicle saying words about me.

Well, malicious words.

"I can't believe how shameless her face is!"

"Yes! How could she brazenly stood at Wei Xiu! He's like a flower on a high peak! A celestial being that graced us upon his existence!"

"He's our male god!"

Goodness! This people outsider have been brainwashed by his enchanting looks!

Gritting my teeth, I wanted to smack Wei Xiu on his head. How dare he implicate me on this things. I haven't done anything wrong with him so why am I the one getting wronged by this people?!

How infuriating!

"So it's really true that she's a flirt huh? I mean she's always with the boys and is always sticking close to them"

"I'm gonna slap that thick face of her's if I see her one more time with my male god!"

"Me too!"

Just imagining the damage I would get when I try to blackmail or just hurt their so called Male god, I think I won't last long.

I'm dead!

Gulping from fear, I left the bathroom after inspecting inside in fear of getting thrashed in the bathroom. Just thinking of it made my spine shiver in absolute fear.

This Wei Xiu! He's like a bad omen in my life! Always harming me!

I'm gonna ignore him for the whole day! I swear upon all the deities in this world!


I head out of my class, my mind still full of thoughts about the matter earlier. I mean what did I do to make them despise me.

I'm a student with average grades, although my math is another thing, and has always treat other students amicably.

I'm in class three and Wei Xiu is in class one, of course because he's a smart lad, that's all I can say.

"So.....why are you ignoring me?" He said as he leaned on my locker, the students have already left and only a few stayed.

I deliberately stayed long so that me and Wei Xiu won't cross paths or go together since he's just a house away from my home.

"What are you t-talking about?" I asked with my hands crossed on my chest, my eyes never stayed on his face in fear of hurting him.

I really want to kick him in this shin but I need to endure or else I'll be the one suffering.

"Ying" he sound like my father when he's about to lecture me so I strengthen my determination to ignore him.

I took a step and tried to open my locker when he did a kabedon (a situation in which a guy slams his hand against the wall, pinning a girl against it) on me.

His face was so close to me almost to the point I can see his long eyelashes. His breath was warming my face and I can't help but to grab my skirt.

What the actual hen?!

Is he sick? How can he do this to me?! Kabedon or what not, I would never let myself be in a disadvantage point and suffer!

I was in panick but when I saw that there were no more students in the locker, a sigh of relief left my lips.

I wouldn't want to hear another rumor of us being lovey-dovey on the locker and be subjected into another round of trash talking.

At this point, I don't even want to go to the bathroom in fear of hearing rumors about me again.

I still let my eyes wander and when I finally saw that there's no more students, I immediately made my move.

Time to get even with this guy!

I took his lapel and did a reverse kabedon on him, my eyes is now blazing in fury as I forced him to look in my eyes by taking hold of his chin.

"Listen here you mongrel! I don't care if every girls in this school treats you as their male god but you have to deal with this shit that I'm having okay?! It's your fault for being too close with me!"

"What happened?" His eyes were filled with confusion and now, I'm the one being confused.

What? I thought he heard the rumors that's why I wanted him to stop being so close to me.

"Huh? You- you didn't know?" I ask, hesitant about this situation.

I came in all my battle hear and was about to accuse him but turns out, he's innocent like me. But even so, he's still a part of the reason why I'm in this prediction!

But looking in his eyes, it was a bit dark and I felt chills on my back, so I decided to not tell him.

"'s nothing so yeah"

I stopped pining him and turned my back but unfortunately, I was held by my collar. I tried to wriggle my way out of his hold but alas, it did not work as he smiled at me.

And I'm telling you, that smile is not the usual gentle and amicable smile of his. It was a smile full of threat!

He always smile whenever he feel angry or annoyed and this time, his smile was too gentle.

The more gentle he smiles, the more angry he becomes!

"Tell me-" his face was close to me now as I felt cornered on my locker.

I shook my head and remained impassive when his eyes slightly narrowed and I knew, from my childhood days with him, that he's really angry.

At that thought, I felt furious as well. Why is he the one getting angry when I'm the one being subjected to a rumor?!

"I don't have to tell-"



I think he's really angry now.

Hi people! How are you today in this hot and sweaty day?

Thank you for the 20 reads! I'll wait for this book to have a 100 reads but let's see first hm? Anyways, thank you for reading!

I hope you like this chapter!


Thank you!

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